Résultats de recherche du catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Critères de recherche


  • Recherches policières canadienne


"Canada. Department of Justice"

Titre Source Année
The 2007 national justice survey : tackling crime and public confidence / Jeff Latimer & Norm Desjardins.
  • Document du gouvernement
Department of Justice Canada, Public Safety and Anti-Terrorism (PSAT) Initiative summative evaluation : final report.
  • Document du gouvernement
Drugs and driving : a compendium of research studies / Traffic Injury Research Foundation and Sherilyn A. Palmer.
  • Document du gouvernement
An exploration of the needs of victims of hate crimes / Susan McDonald & Andrea Hogue.
  • Document du gouvernement
The legal problems of everyday life : the nature, extent and consequences of justiciable problems experienced by Canadians / Ab Currie.
  • Document du gouvernement
Exploring the link between crime and socio-economic status in Ottawa and Saskatoon : a small-area geographical analysis / Peter Kitchen.
  • Document du gouvernement
The final report on early case consideration of the Steering Committee on Justice Efficiencies and Access to the Justice System.
  • Document du gouvernement
Making appropriate parenting arrangements in family violence cases : applying the literature to identify promising practices / prepared by Peter G. Jaffe, Claire V. Crooks and Nick Bala.
  • Document du gouvernement
A meta-analytic examination of drug treatment courts : do they reduce recidivism? / Jeff Latimer, Kelly Morton-Bourgon and Jo-Anne Chrétien.
  • Document du gouvernement
The nature of Canadian urban gangs and their use of firearms : a review of the literature and police survey / Toni Hemmati.
  • Document du gouvernement
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