Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Mishandled : Turnhill University's approach to sexual violence / Samantha MacAndrew.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource ( iv, 103 pages)


M.A. Brock University 2017.


“Sexual violence on college and university campuses in Canada and the United States has been an unsettling issue for several decades. However, the understanding that politicians, policy makers, and academic administrations can no longer ignore these violations is a more recent development. This thesis investigates the management and the potential mismanagement of sexual violence policy and practice with a specific focus on one Canadian University in Southern Ontario. Intersectional feminist theory provided the conceptual framework informing this research and institutional ethnography was the methodology engaged to explore a range of university policy and practices. This research illuminates the difficulties that policy makers and students identified in the development of accessible sexual violence policies and practices and provides recommendations to help post-secondary institutions implement sexual violence policies and protocols that are more useful for students and more socially just.”--Page i.


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