Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Policing young adults : a scoping study / John Graham and Jacqui Karn.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (44 pages)


This report presents the findings of a small scoping study on the policing of young adults. Its main aim is to highlight key issues and challenges and identify a future agenda for research, policy and practice. It draws on a small number of interviews with young adults, police officers and individual experts (e.g. policy makers, community safety experts and relevant literature). The study focuses on encounters between young adults and the police, particularly those involving stop and search and the night-time economy, and how well the police handle – and are trained to handle –such encounters.


Accès en ligne


Executive summary. - 1. Introduction. - 2. Background. - 3. Encounters between young adults and the police. - 4. Young adults and stop and search. - 5. Young adults and the night-time economy. - 6. Young adults and police training. - 7. Young adults and community engagement. - 8. Developing a distinct approach to young adults. - 9. Concluding remarks.

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