Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Recommendations for increasing the profile of the Hastings Sunrise community policing center / by Diana Murru.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (82 pages)


M.P.A. University of Victoria 2012.


The Hastings Sunrise Community Policing Centre (HSCPC) is a non‐profit organization located in Vancouver, British Columbia and has been in operation since 1999. It provides a number of programs and services to improve the safety and well‐being of the diverse Hastings Sunrisecommunity, such as Citizens Patrols, Community Clean‐Ups, Outreach Events and Workshops, andInformation and Community Assistance Services, with the support of the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) and funding from the City of Vancouver. While the organization has seen an increase in its success over the past several years, such as record attendance at outreach eventsand expansion of a few of their programs, it has identified that its profile in the community is lowerthan desired. The organization believes an increased profile could lead to increased participation in and interaction with the organization by volunteers and community residents, and result in a saferand more cohesive community..


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