Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Establishing an effective sexual assault service in rural Manitoba : lessons from the past, ideas for the future / by Nadia G. La Rosa.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (208 pages)


M.S.W. University of Manitoba 2006.


Sexual violence is a serious global issue primarily affecting women and children from all social, religious, economic and cultural backgrounds. In addition to the social, emotional, physical, and spiritual impact on victims, there are devastating consequences forthose surrounding the victim including children, partners, extended family, friends, and the community as a whole. Being a "victim" of sexual assault carries fierce shame, and socialstigma, which further discourages survivors from seeking help and support. Consequently, they continue to live with the trauma in fear and in isolation.This study conducted interviews with key stakeholders in rural and urbancommunities in the province of Manitoba. The experiences of representatives from First Nation communities and from the medical, legal and social services systems wereexamined to garner their perceptions of what constitutes an effective and immediateresponse the devastating social issue of sexual assault.Participants described the existing policies, procedures, and services for sexualassault survivors in rural Manitoba, and shared their perceptions of the limitations of theseservices. Respondents also provided information on the planning and implementation ofservice delivery and shared recommendations for future development based on theirpersonal and professional experiences organizing within their own communities.Implications for developing an effective community response to sexual assaultincludes: building community capacity through empowerment, community organizing,education and training. Grass roots consciousness raising, respectful communication,including a diverse community membership in various aspects of the planning, andconsultation and collaboration were identified as essential steps in order to break thesilence and provide hope and healing to individuals, families, and communities.


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