Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Integrated threat assessment methodology.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

CISC integrated threat assessment methodology
Méthodologie d'évaluation intégrée des menaces.




Includes bibliographical references (pages 28-29).


1 online resource (29 pages)


"This document is a work in process which will be updated as the CISC integrated threat assessment process evolves".
issued also in French under title: Méthodologie d'évaluation intégrée des menaces.


"The integrated threat assessment process has its origins in the production of the first National Threat Assessment on Organized and Serious Crime in Canada produced by CISC Central Bureau in 2003. In 2004, the process became truly integrated, resulting in a national collection plan process and national level working group meetings dedicated to establishing analytical standards for the assessments. ... As the threat assessment process has evolved over five years, there emerged a need to formalize the processes and protocols that make up its foundation as an integral part of the Canadian Criminal Intelligence Model. The methodology presented in this paper is the first step in gathering together key techniques, tools and common practices currently used or of emerging interest in the integrated threat assessment process. The integrated threat assessment process continues to be a work in progress and will continue to evolve through practice."--Foreword.


Accès en ligne


Version 1.0.


About criminal intelligence service Canada -- Central bureau products and services -- Three-module structure -- National threat assessment structure -- Criminal group inventory matrix -- Measuring levels of knowledge -- Harms from organized and serious crime -- Business rules -- Flowchart of integrated threat assessment process -- Words of estimative probability -- Canadian criminal intelligence model -- Terminology -- Selected bibliography.

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