Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Can I see your ID? : the policing of youth homelessness in Toronto / Bill O’Grady, Stephen Gaetz, Kristy Buccieri.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (93 pages) : illustrations, graphs, map


Creative Commons license:


This report sets out to document the criminalization of homelessness in Canada by exploring the relationship between homeless persons; in particular, street youth and law enforcement officials (both the police and private security). Drawing from over 240 interviews with street youth in Toronto in 2009, as well as a review of official statistics on Ontario Safe Streets Act tickets in Toronto over the past 11 years, we explore the ways in which homelessness has been criminalized through a law and order agenda. Effective policy should be informed by research, not developed as a response to moral panics. Our research raises serious questions about the use of law enforcement as a strategy to address the visibility of homelessness in Canada.


Accès en ligne


Executive summary -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Background: The criminalization of homelessness and the regulation of public space in Canada -- 3. The Ontario safe streets act -- 4. Homeless youth and encounters with police -- 5. Discussion -- 6. Conclusion and recommendations.


Homeless hub report series ; report #5

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