Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Annual report / Manitoba Domestic Violence Death Review Committee.

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Recherches policières canadienne



Titre alternatif

Executive summary of the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee annual report




1 online resource


© Province of Manitoba, 2012-, reproduced with permission;
"Executive summary of the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee annual report"--Title from Manitoba Justice web site.
"The Manitoba Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC) was established on June 16, 2010. The DVDRC examines domestic violence homicides that are no longer before the courts in order to identify trends, risk factors and systemic concerns to prevent future tragedies and recommend changes for improvement. Manitoba’s approach extends beyond a "paper-only review" by interviewing families, friends, co-workers and other relevant representatives of the victim and offender who are able to share important information about the patterns and trends associated with domestic violence homicides. To ensure that the reviews are relevant to current service delivery models, the committee generally focuses on select matters that have occurred since 2006."--Page [2], 2011/2012.


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