Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Policing Canada in the 21st century : new policing for new challenges / Expert panel on the future of Canadian policing models.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Policing Canada in the 21st century : new policing for new challenges
Policing Canada in the twenty-first century : new policing for new challenges
Le maintien de l'ordre au Canada au XXIe siècle : une nouvelle police pour de nouveaux défis
Points saillants du rapport ; novembre 2014.




Includes bibliographical references (page 5).


1 online resource (6 pages)


Issued also in French under the title : Le maintien de l'ordre au Canada au XXIe siècle : une nouvelle police pour de nouveaux défis (Points saillants du rapport ; novembre 2014).


"Policing Canada in the 21st Century: New Policing for New Challenges looks at the context in which police operate and the unprecedented demands they face at a time when effectiveness, accountability, and cost are foremost in the minds of the public they serve, and when public demand for safety and security remains undiminished, despite falling rates in crime reported to police."--Page 1.


Accès en ligne


Report in focus ; November 2014.

Date de modification :