Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Succession management in police services : developing a pool of potential successors for critical policing roles.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

La gestion de la relève dans les services de police : créer un bassin de candidats pour assumer les postes essentiels.
A guide to competency-based management in police services.




1 online resource (120 pages)


For access to this document, please contact the Canadian Police Knowledge Network at:
Issued also in French under the title: La gestion de la relève dans les services de police : créer un bassin de candidats pour assumer les postes essentiels.


This guide introduces a best practice program to help police services develop pools of candidates capable of assuming critical roles when they become vacant. Systematic identification of critical positions and development of potential successors will safeguard and maintain excellence of service in the face of the expected surge in retirements and increased competition for new talent in the next decade. For police managers and those responsible for human resources management, the guide provides an introduction to succession management principles and a step-by-step implementation process. Police leaders and police boards and commissions will find the guide useful in furthering their understanding of succession management concepts and benefits. It is recommended that the foundational guide, Introduction to Competency-Based Management in Police Services, be read in conjunction with this guide.


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