Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Mentoring and coaching in police services : guidelines for a first meeting.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Annexe B : lignes directrices pour une première rencontre.




1 online resource (3 unnumbered pages)


For access to this document, please contact the Canadian Police Knowledge Network at:
Issued also in French under the title: Annexe B : lignes directrices pour une première rencontre.
"This is a living document. Last updated July 2009".
At head of title: Tools.


This is a guide for a mentor/coach to use at the initial meeting with a leadership program participant. The discussion facilitates mutual understanding of what mentoring and coaching entails, what to expect in sessions, and the roles of the mentor/coach and leadership participant. It explores issues related to career goals and aspirations and leadership development. If participant assessments are available, beginning dialogues may occur to start the process of goal setting and learning plan development.


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