Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Protective clothing for hazardous spills / by Sgt. W.R. Papple.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Officer protection kits.




1 online resource (47 unnumbered pages)


"May, 1994".
To be read in conjuction with TM-05-95E "Officer protection kits".
Summary in English and in French.


"The objective of this project was to select and evaluate a sample of commercially available outer garments that provide protection from liquid or solid chemical spills. The garments were evaluated for comfort, ease of donning and removal, etc. The degree of protection offered by the protective barrier (i.e. Saranex, Tyvek, Chemrel, Neoprene or Gortex) of the above products was not tested by the C.P.R.C. nor any of the review agencies."


Accès en ligne


Technical memorandum (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TM-13-94.

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