Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Factors associated with youth delinquency and victimization in Toronto, 2006 [electronic resource] / by Klarka Zeman and Angela Bressan.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Facteurs liés à la délinquance et à la victimisation chez les jeunes à Toronto, 2006.




Includes bibliographical references.


Issued also in French under title: Facteurs liés à la délinquance et à la victimisation chez les jeunes à Toronto, 2006.
Prepared by the Centre for Education Statistics and the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics. Cf. Acknowledgements.


This research paper explores youth delinquency using data from the International Youth Survey as reported by Toronto youth in 2006. It builds on the first report to use these data which found that delinquency was more prevalent among youth who were male, older and from single-parent and step families, and less prevalent among immigrant youth. Through a series of logistic regression models, the study examines how the observed relationships between self-reported youth delinquency and the demographic variables of age, sex, family composition and generational status are affected by the addition of factors related to school, victimization and peer and family relationships. Detailed findings are presented for both property and violent delinquency. Although there were differences across the two types of delinquency, the results showed that factors related to low school commitment, experiences of victimization and negative family and peer relationships were associated with greater chances of involvement in delinquent behavior, over and above the sex, age and immigrant status of youth.


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Crime and justice research paper series, 1707-5203 ; no. 014.
Research paper (Statistics Canada : Online)

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