Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Cutting crime two years on [electronic resource] : an update to the 2008-11 crime strategy.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



1 online resource (71 p.)


"May 2009".


The report details the enormous progress made since the crime strategy was first published in July 2007. It shows that lives have been saved through tackling knives and guns; homes have been secured against burglary; and communities have been relieved of the menace of anti-social behaviour. But now we also face tougher economic times. The strategy update recognises that we face new challenges, and that the public’s expectations are rightly high. It sets out a refreshed and sharpened set of priorities that show how together we can keep communities safe and increase public confidence.


Accès en ligne


1. Why update the strategy? -- 2. Updated priorities -- 3. Our crime reduction objectives -- 4. Delivering through partnership -- 5. Our crime reduction approach -- 6. Taking early action to prevent crime -- 7. Turning the tables on offenders -- 8. Delivering responsive, visible justice -- 9. Putting the public in the driving seat -- 10. Taking action at the right level -- 11. Conclusion.

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