Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Neighbourhood characteristics and the distribution of crime on the Island of Montréal [electronic resource] / Josée Savoie, Frédéric Bédard, Krista Collins.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Caractéristiques des quartiers et répartition de la criminalité sur l'île de Montréal.






1 online resource (78 p.)


Also published in French under title: Caractéristiques des quartiers et répartition de la criminalité sur l'île de Montréal
Catalogue no.: 85-561-MIE2006007


This analytic approach examines such questions as how police-reported crimes are distributed across city neighbourhoods, and whether the crime rate in a given neighbourhood is associated with factors specific to that neighbourhood. The factors considered include housing, land use, demographic and socio-economic characteristics. The report also presents the first descriptive analysis of charged persons' travel patterns to the location of offences in Montréal. The report is the second prepared by the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics to examine crime data at a neighbourhood level using a combination of statistical analysis and crime mapping based on Geographic Information System (GIS) technology.


Accès en ligne


1. Background -- 2. Findings -- 2.1. Montréal in context -- 2.2. Distribution of crime on the Island of Montréal -- 2.3. Distribution of crime in 2004 -- 2.4. Persons accused in crime incidents in 2001 -- 2.5. Neighbourhood characteristics and crime -- 3. Discussion -- 4. Limitations and opportunities -- 5. Methodology -- 5.1. Data sources -- 5.2. Description of variables -- 5.3. Geocoding.


Crime and justice research paper series, 1707-5203 ; no. 007.
Research paper (Statistics Canada : Online)

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