Provincial Prescription Drug Committee (Synopsis)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police—'L' Division

Description: Launched in 2013, Prince Edward Island's (PEI) Provincial Prescription Drug Committee is a multi-departmental approach to addressing the misuse and abuse of prescription drugs in the province.

Committee members share non-sensitive information from their areas of responsibility, opening lines of communication among key stakeholders. The Committee uses the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse 2013 document, “First Do No Harm: Responding to Canada’s Prescription Drug Crisis,” as a guide in developing initiatives that may be shared with agencies and departments involved in this issue.
Objective: The objectives of the Provincial Prescription Drug Committee are to advise stakeholder organizations and community groups regarding prescription drug abuse in PEI, monitor the scope of the problem, share information across sectors and departments, identify emerging issues and potential partnerships and creatively develop solutions from a multi-sectoral perspective.
Outcomes: While its key objectives are long-term, the work of the Provincial Prescription Drug Committee is still in its early stages. Senior and executive management from various agencies and government departments have identified themselves as potential stakeholders in the committee’s work. The provincial Deputy Minister of Health has asked the Committee to be an advisory group to the Department of Health and Wellness as it moves forward in the development of a multi-departmental provincial plan for action on prescription drug misuse and abuse.
Resources: The only resources required for this initiative are the time and travel each stakeholder devotes to attending the monthly committee meetings.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Record Entry Date: 2015-03-01
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