Provincial Prescription Drug Committee (Details)

Name of province/ territory:

Prince Edward Island

City/ Region:

Prince Edward Island

Description of Initiative:

The Provincial Prescription Drug Committee looks at the misuse/abuse of prescription drugs and implements appropriate strategies to address the problem.

Initiative Key Objectives:


  • Advise government departments, police agencies, boards, community groups and agencies as issues arise and upon request, regarding prescription drug abuse on Prince Edward Island (PEI).
  • Continuously monitor the scope of the problem by sharing information across sectors and departments.
  • Identify emerging issues as they develop (prior to the establishment of the committee, partners saw issues emerge, but in isolation).
  • Identify partnerships among interested individuals and organizations.
  • Creatively develop approaches and solutions from a multi-sectoral perspective.
  • Use the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse 2013 document, “First Do No Harm: Responding to Canada’s Prescription Drug Crisis,” as a guide for developing initiatives that may be shared with agencies and departments that are interested in working toward potential solutions.

Section Responsible for Implementation:

Drugs and Organized Crime Awareness Service

Key Contact:

Reg Campbell

Groups/ Agencies/ Key Partners Involved:

  • community groups
  • other police services
  • other government departments/agencies
  • see "Additional Comments or Suggestions"

Level of Involvement (consultative - information sharing) and/or cooperative - direct involvement):


Amount of Time Initiative has been in Place:

An initial meeting with stakeholders was held in October 2012 and formal committee meetings have been taking place on a monthly basis since February 2013.

Reason for Undertaking the Initiative:

This initiative came together as a result of concerns expressed by a Royal Canadian Mounted Police officer who had a keen interest in the growing opiate problem in PEI, which was impacting several different services. The officer brought together a group of policing stakeholders who also shared his concerns, and the initiative has now grown into the Provincial Prescription Drug Committee (summarized from the Committee’s Terms of Reference).

Resources Required to Implement this Initiative:

There have been no set-up costs other than the time and travel each stakeholder devotes to attendance at the monthly Committee meetings. Generally, the meetings are hosted in the 'L' Division HQ Training Room, with the minutes recorded by an administrative assistant from the Federal Investigative Unit.

Method of Implementation:

See "Reason for Undertaking the Initiative"

Key Outcomes of the Initiative:

The development of the Provincial Prescription Drug Committee is still in its early stages, while its key objectives are long-term. In its short life span, the Committee has drawn the attention of senior and executive management from various agencies and government departments who are self-identifying as potential stakeholders. The provincial Deputy Minister of Health has asked the Committee to be an advisory group to the Department of Health and Wellness as it moves forward in the development of a multi-departmental provincial plan for action on prescription drug misuse and abuse.

Availability of a Communication Strategy:


Key Messages used to Publicize the Initiative:


Forms of Evaluation by which the Initiative will be Assessed:

  • N/A

Evaluation Completed or Community Feedback Received:


Summary of the Outcomes:

There has been no formal announcement to the general public that the Provincial Prescription Drug Committee is in existence; however, stakeholders involved with substance abuse initiatives have acknowledged their approval by becoming partners.

Summary of the Performance Measure Data Collected:


Economics of Policing Pillars:

Further Details:


Additional Comments or Suggestions:

Additional comments for "Groups, Agencies and Key Partners Involved":

All Committee members are expected to share non-sensitive information from their areas of responsibility. Shared information and discussions during the monthly meetings are confidential until such time as the Committee grants release in the proper format to agreed-upon parties.

Additional comments for "Economics of Policing Pillars":

A new model of policing for prescription drug abuse is being developed, with a multi-departmental approach. Lines of “open” communication are being developed with key stakeholders. This joint initiative will encompass the following elements: health promotion and prevention; education for the public, providers and dispensers; treatment; monitoring and surveillance in the Drug Information System; and enforcement. The Department of Health and Wellness has already developed the Narcotics Safety and Awareness Act and is waiting for it to be enacted.

Record Entry Date:


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