Application form
Canada Community Security Program (CCSP)

Section 1: Eligibility

To verify if you meet the minimum criteria to qualify for funding, please confirm the current circumstances regarding your organization and the proposed project site in this section.

Successful completion of this section does not guarantee your eligibility for this program. Your eligibility will be confirmed by Public Safety Canada upon review of your application.

Q1.0 Please select all activities you wish to apply for:

Q1.1 Please confirm that all of the following statements apply to your organization:

An organization's primary mandate and activities constitutes the foundation of what an organization must accomplish to fulfill its vision and mission.

Please note all statements must be checked. If any of the statements below do not apply to your organization, your application is ineligible.

Your organization and/or project site:

Q1.2 Please confirm that your organization is:

Please note all statements must be checked. If any of the statements below do not apply to your organization, your application is ineligible.

Please note all statements must be checked. If any of the statements on the previous page do not apply to your organization, your application is ineligible.

Q1.3 Is your project site primarily considered as a:

Please note that your application will be assessed according to the category selected.

Q1.3.1 You identified your project site as a Place of Worship; please identify the type of place of worship:

Q1.4 Please attach documentation that confirms that your private educational institution is recognized at the Provincial or Territorial level in the field below. Failure to provide satisfactory evidence of provincial or territorial recognition will result in your application being deemed ineligible.

Accepted Formats: .PDF, .JPG, and .PNG. Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Section 2: Organization Identification

Please provide identifying information pertaining to your organization in this subsection. Please ensure the information in this section is accurate and complete. Applications must be tailored and specific to each project site. Failure to do so may render your application ineligible.

Q2.0 Are you a third party applying on behalf of an eligible organization?

Q2.1 If the project is recommended for funding, Public Safety Canada will confirm the following information before entering into a funding agreement.

If the project is selected for funding:

If the recipient is not able to provide confirmation for one or more of these requirements, the project will not be considered for funding.

Q2.2 Will your organization be financially capable of covering 30% of the costs for your project using other financial sources?

Your response will not impact your application for funding.

Organizations must ensure they are able to pay for the entire project up front and that the necessary funds are available by the time an agreement is signed with the Department. Please note that funding under this program is generally provided in the form of reimbursement at the end of your project, covering up to 70% of eligible project costs.

Q2.3 Does your organization claim federal and/or provincial tax rebates?

Q2.3.1 Please identify the percentage %:

Q2.4 Is your organization submitting more than one application for different project sites?

Organizations are permitted to apply for more than one project site, but each application will be evaluated individually.

Warning message
Please submit only one (1) application per project site unless the application is for multiple buildings in the same property line. Each project site requires a separate application. The information in each application must be unique to its respective project site.

Q2.5 Organization's legal name:

Make sure to include any capital/lower case letters, periods or commas that are part of the name. This will be used for verification purposes.

Q2.6 Organization's operating name:

Q2.7 Please identify the designated organizational contact for this application:

The designated organizational contact will be the primary point of contact between Public Safety Canada and the organization in regard to this application. This contact will receive all information pertaining to the status of this application. Email is the default method of communication.

Q2.7.1 Does the organization contact person have signing authority on behalf of the organization?

Q2.8 Please provide additional contact with signing authority:

Q2.9 Please provide your organization's incorporation information (Corporate Registry Identification):

Please indicate under which government authority your organization is primarily incorporated. A business in Canada can be incorporated federally or in the province or territory where it operates.

You identified your organization (including the project site) as operating in the province of Quebec. If the project is selected for funding, please note that organizations based in Quebec will need to provide their most recent audited financial statements prior to signing a funding agreement to ensure compliance with the requirements of the provincial Act M-30 - Respecting the Ministère du Conseil Exécutif.

Q2.10 Please provide your organization's incorporation information:

Q2.11 Please briefly describe the mandate of your organization:

Section 3: Organization Demographic Information

Please provide information regarding the communities your organization serves and/or represents in this section. Completion of this section is mandatory; however, information provided in this section is for statistical purposes only and will not impact your application. Should you have questions about this section, please refer to the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) Application Guide or contact the

Q3.0 Your community feels most vulnerable to hate crimes motivated by:

Please provide information regarding the demographics of the population your organization represents.

Q3.1 What is the primary target group for this proposal? In particular, this proposal is primarily designed to provide ultimate benefits to:

Please identity up to four (4) demographical categories.

Q3.1.1 Other demographics (Please explain - optional 1-2 sentences):

If none of the options above can adequately reflect the intended group of the proposal, please use this explanatory box to provide further details:

Q3.2 Please identify the ethnicity of the target population(s):

Please identity up to four (4) categories & select only those that apply to your project.

Q3.3 Please identify the religion of the target population:

Please select one (1) of the options & select only the one that applies to your project.

Q3.4 Please identify the most commonly used language(s) by the population serviced by your organization:

Please select only those that specifically apply to your project site:

Q3.5 Please specify the Indigenous group that this project(s) primarily designed to benefit:

Select all that apply.

Q3.6 Does your organization (at the project site) identify itself as part of the 2SLGBTQI+ community?

Section 4: Project Site Information

Please identify the project site location in this subsection. The project site is the physical location where your organization intends to implement the proposed security measures.

Warning message
You previously identified your project site as a shelters serving victims of gender-based violence. Public Safety Canada takes the security and confidentiality of these sites seriously. Information entered in this section, will be handled as sensitive information and will remain confidential.

Q4.0 Please identify the project's anticipated start & end dates:

Q4.1 Please identify the project site location in this subsection:

The project site is the physical location where your organization intends to implement the proposed security measures.

Q4.1.1 Please identify the project site Province/Territory:

Q4.2 Is the mailing address same as the project site address?

Q4.2.1 Please identify your mailing address:

Q4.2.2 Please identify the mailing address Province/Territory:

Q4.3 Is the project site currently under construction or major renovation?

A permanent building or structure is required to receive funding for the installation security enhancements. Please note that if construction is not at a point where security enhancements can be installed by the time your project is approved, Public Safety Canada may be unable to move forward with supporting your project.

Q4.4 Is the project site occupied by other businesses or tenants besides your organization?

Q4.4.1 Please provide details regarding the other uses of the building (e.g., venue spaces, commercial shops, etc.), including whether the spaces are shared or physically segmented, frequency of use for these purposes and who accesses the spaces (e.g., public, private members, etc.)

Q4.6 Please provide the description of the project:

Describe how your project activities link to the following program objectives:

Please enter N/A if the objective does not apply to your project activities.

Q4.7 How do the proposed project activities contribute with the reduction and mitigation of harm caused by incidents of hate-motivated crime in targeted areas?

Q4.8 How do the proposed project activities help equip communities to address the risk of hate-motivated crime in their community gathering spaces?

Q4.9 How do your project activities address and increase awareness of the challenges faced by communities at risk of hate-motivated crime?

Q4.10 Identify the primary security concern your project aims to address. Please include examples of incidents that have occurred, risk assessments or other means to illustrate the proposed project's urgency and importance, and how the project will be effective at addressing this issue.

Q4.11 Do you have any physical security measures currently in place at your project site?

Q4.12 Please list and describe the physical security measures currently installed at your project site including the year of installation.

Q4.13 Have you completed a security assessment for your project site in the last year?

Q4.13.1 Please attach a copy of your security assessment:

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF & Microsoft Word (DOC & DOCX).

Warning message
You indicated that a security assessment has not been recently completed for your project site. Public Safety Canada recommends a security assessment be completed to help inform any security infrastructure project and ensure your project will effectively address your needs. Your local police service may be able to conduct one for free.

Please note that if your project proposal involves any landscaping activities, a recent Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) security assessment will be required. Please consult the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) application guide for more information.

Section 4.1: Project Site Funding History

Please provide information on your project site's funding history as well as your organization's general funding history in this subsection.

Q4.14 Has your organization ever received funding from Federal, Provincial/Territorial or Municipal governments other than Public Safety Canada?

Q4.14.1 Please identify which government(s) your organization received funding from previously.

Q4.14.2 Please briefly describe your organization's previous publicly-funded project(s).

You may describe experience in developing, implementing, monitoring and managing projects (regardless of funding sources) within a specified timeframe and budget.

Q4.15 Has this project site previously received funding provided by the federal Security Infrastructure Program (SIP), the Expanded Security Infrastructure Program (ESIP) or the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP)?

Q4.15.1 Please identify the calendar year in which funding was provided (if known).

Q4.15.2 Please identify the file number associated with past Security Infrastructure Program (SIP), the Expanded Security Infrastructure Program (ESIP) or Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) funding. (If known - e.g., 55555).

Q4.16 Is this request for funding in order to undertake new project activities, or is it a request for funding for a continuation or next phase of a previously funded project?

Q4.17 Has your organization applied, or intends on applying to another government program related to security infrastructure to support this project?

Q4.17.1 Please provide the name of the program you have applied or intend on applying for to support your project.

Q4.17.2 How much funding is your project requesting or will be expecting to receive from other government programs ($)?

Section 5: Community Risk

Please demonstrate how your community and/or project site is being at risk or being victimized by hate-motivated incidents/crimes in this section. This can include hate-motivated incidents/crime directly experienced at your project site.

Q5.0 Has your organization been a direct victim of a severe hate-motivated incident/crime due to an event that took place in the last two (2) months which required the involvement of law enforcement?

Q5.1 Please specify the nature of the severe hate-motivated incident at the gathering space.

The incident must have involved at least one of the following elements to be considered severe enough to qualify.

Select all that apply.

Q5.2 Please confirm the following statements as they pertain to the severe hate-motivated incident in question.

The event must meet all below criteria to qualify.

Select all that apply.

Q5.3 Please confirm that the following as they pertain to the severe hate-motivated incident in question.

The event must meet all below criteria to qualify.

Select all that apply.

Q5.4 Severe hate-motivated incident summary.

Please provide a detailed summary of the severe hate-motivated incident in question (who was involved, what happened, where did it happen, when did it happen and how did the incident develop).

Ensure there is sufficient detail to demonstrate how the incident meets the severity threshold criteria, illustrating your project site was a victim of a severe hate-motivated incident/crime.

Q5.5 Supporting Documentation.

Were you able to obtain a copy of the police report for the severe hate-motivated incident?

Applicants must formally request a copy of the report from their local police service prior to responding to this question. Should your request for a copy be denied, please select ' No'.

Q5.6 Please provide a copy of the police report for the severe hate-motivated incident:

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC &DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Q5.7 Were you able to obtain a letter of support from your local police service?

Q5.8 Please attach a copy of the letter of support from your local police service (if applicable).

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Q5.9 Please provide a media article regarding the severe hate-motivated incident that took place.

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Q5.9.1 If preferred, please provide links to online media articles related to the event.

Q5.10 Do you need to attach additional documents?

Additional documents can include news articles, images and other information pertaining to the event.

Q5.10.1 Please attach any additional supporting documentation.

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC & DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Q5.11 Is your organization at an increased risk of a of a severe hate-motivated incident/crime due to an event that took place in close proximity to your organization's site in the last two (2) months which required the involvement of law enforcement?

Q5.12 Is your project located in one of the following cities?

Q5.13 Is your project site located within a five hundred meters (500M) radius from an organization site that was a victim of a severe hate motivated crime/incident in the last two (2) months?

Q5.14 Is your project site located within a one kilometer (1 KM) radius from an organization site that was a victim of a severe hate motivated crime/incident in the last two (2) months?

Q5.15 Please provide a detailed summary of how your organization is at heightened risk based on the severe hate-motivated incident that took place close to your project site.

Ensure there is sufficient detail to demonstrate how the organization is at heightened risk due to the event that took place at close proximity of the site.

Q5.16 Were you able to obtain a letter of support from your local police service?

Q5.17 Please attach a copy of the letter of support from your local police service (if applicable).

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Q5.18 Please provide a media article regarding the severe hate-motivated incident that took place in close proximity to your project site.

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC and DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Q5.19 If preferred, please provide links to online media articles related to the event.

Q5.20 Do you need to attach additional documents?

Additional documents can include news articles, images and other information pertaining to the event.

Q5.20.1 Please attach any additional supporting documentation:

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC & DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Q5.21 Please briefly demonstrate how your organization/community is at risk of hate-motivated crimes/incidents.

Q5.22 Please include supporting documentation that demonstrate how your organization/community is at risk of hate-motivated crimes/incidents: (e.g., police reports, media reports, etc.).

Supporting documentation is mandatory

Q5.22.1 If preferred, please provide links to online media articles related to demonstrate how your organization/community is at risk of hate motivated crimes.

Q5.23 Please briefly describe the contents of all documents submitted in this section and how they support your application in demonstrating your organization is at risk of hate-motivated crimes/incidents. If photographs are provided, please include a brief description of what they represent.

Q5.24 Do you have additional supporting documentation (if any) that demonstrates how your organization/community is at risk of hate-motivated crimes/incidents.

(e.g., police reports, media reports, etc.).

Q5.24.1 Please include additional supporting documentation (if any) that demonstrates how your organization/community is at risk of hate-motivated crimes/incidents.

(e.g., police reports, media reports, etc.).

Accepted Formats: PDF, RTF, JPG, PNG & Microsoft Word (DOC & DOCX). Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Section 6: Work Plan and Project Financial Information

Please outline your project activities and protection measures based on your security concerns in Section 4.1. In addition, you will be asked to outline associated costs through your work plan, quotes and your budget. Please refer to the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) Application Guide for additional guidance.

Work Plan

In the table below, outline your project activities and protection measures and how they will be addressing the security concerns you previously identified. We strongly encourage that you review the contents of the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) Application Guide for proper completion of this section.


Please note that completion of the Work plan is mandatory. Please ensure all sections are fully completed before proceeding. Incomplete work plans may result in ineligibility of your application.

Please click on the “+” sign below to add more rows for work plans.

Project Activity E.g: Security Window Film

Installation Location E.g: Interior – Hallways and lobby

Timeline E.g: 1 week

Security Objective E.g: Main entrances will be guarded during operational hours to provide physical protection to the attendees.

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Q6.1 Does your organization have a plan to routinely maintain the physical security equipment proposed in your work plan?

Q6.2 Does your project include any activities which require a permit or additional consultations?

(e.g., minor renovations, window film, vehicle gates, fencing, electrical work).

Warning message
Please note that it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure they obtain all necessary permits and conduct the necessary consultations required to realize their project and be in compliance with local, provincial and federal laws and building codes. Note that your local fire department should be consulted if the project includes window film or equipment which impacts vehicle access (e.g., vehicle gates) to prevent possible access issues during an emergency.

Project Estimate Quotes

Q6.3 Does your project involve more than one vendor to complete your project?

Ensure you have submitted quotes representing all project activities and protection measures identified in your Work Plan. Missing project activities/protection measures will not be considered for funding.

Q6.4 How many quotes would you like to submit?

A maximum of 15 quotes may be submitted.

Q6.5 Please provide the information regarding Quote.

(Please Enter the first 9 digits of the GST/HST number displayed on the quote from your vendor)

Q6.6 Please select the type of quote:

Q6.7 Please attach a quote for your project.

You must attach quotes for each element proposed in your work plan being implemented by an external vendor. Failure to provide a quote may result in your application being deemed ineligible. Please ensure your quote includes vendor's official letterhead, legal business name, complete business address, province/territory and GST/HST tax information.

Accepted Formats: PDF, JPG & PNG. Submissions using other formats will not be considered.

Project Budget

6.8 Please attach your completed mandatory budget template.

For further information or to download the template, please review the Instructions for completing the Budget Template. The expense items listed in the budget template must match the items listed in your chosen quotes.

Please note that you are required to submit a completed and detailed budget using the mandatory template with your online application.

Failure to provide a budget using this template will result in an incomplete application.

Accepted Formats: XLSX only.

Federal Funding Request

Q6.9 Please only include the amounts calculated in the "Budget Summary" section of the mandatory budget template you uploaded in the previous section of this form.

Q6.10 Enter total project cost information below based on your completed budget template.

Please report on the exact amounts calculated in the summary section of the mandatory budget template only. Please note that your total requested funding amount is not guaranteed even if your application is approved.

Section 7: Official Languages and Disclosure

Please disclose pertinent information regarding potential or known conflicts of interest as it relates to this application in this subsection. You are also asked to declare how your project will respect the Official Languages Act.

Q7.0 Will the project have an impact on Official Language Minority Communities (OLMCs) and does the project offer an opportunity to foster the full recognition and use of English and French in Canadian Society?

Q7.1 Describe how the needs of the official language group will be addressed. If there are none to be considered, provide a rationale as to why.

Q7.2 Will this project include the services of a former public servant either as an employee or as a member of the Board of Directors who left the Federal Government in the last twelve months?

Q7.3 Please provide assurance that the public servant (or former public servant) is in compliance with the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, and the Conflict of Interest Act (S.C. 2006, c.9) or the Parliament of Canada Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. P-1.01).

Q7.4 Will this project include the services of a lobbyist?

Q7.5 Please provide assurance that, where lobbyists are used, they are registered in accordance with the Lobbying Act (R.S.C., 1985, c.44 (4th supp.)) and that no commissions or contingency fees have or will be paid directly or indirectly to any person for negotiating or securing this request for funding.

Q7.6 Will a federal official participate on an advisory committee or board?

Q7.7 Please describe the role of the federal official.

Section 8: Declaration and Signature

Please confirm the accuracy of this application, compliance with all relevant laws, ethic codes and confirm it is submitted with consent of the organization. Please note that failure to agree with the below declarations and understandings will result in your application being rejected.

As a representative of the organization XXX, I declare that:

Q8.1 Please sign here:

Section 9: Feedback

We encourage you to share your feedback below. If you do not have any feedback, feel free to leave this section blank.

Q9.0 Would you like to provide any feedback with regards to this application tool, other resources or the process?

(i.e. Clarity of instructions, questions, length, technology, user-friendliness, etc.).

Q9.1 Thank you for assisting Public Safety Canada in improving its products. Please provide feedback below.

Q9.2 Is there anything else you would like to share with respect to the application process?

Q9.3 Would you like to sign up for the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) mailing list in order to receive future information and notifications regarding the Program?

Q9.4 Please provide the email address where you would like to receive notifications.

Q9.5 Please click on the Submit button below to record your responses and exit the form.

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