About the program
Canada Community Security Program (CCSP)

The CCSP continuous intake for applications is now open. There is no deadline to apply and applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the yearly funding has been allocated. Online information sessions will be offered for interested applicants in both official languages. To stay informed about the program consider subscribing to our mailing list.

On this page

Program overview

The Government of Canada is committed to protecting the safety and security of Canadians. Public Safety Canada (PS) is working to build a safe and resilient Canada and has a renewed commitment to this goal through the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP). The CCSP provides time-limited funding and support for communities at risk of hate-motivated incidents and hate-motivated crimes to enhance physical security at their gathering spaces.

Approved project proposals are eligible for funding up to a maximum of 70% of total eligible project costs, with a maximum Public Safety Canada contribution of $1.5 million per project.

Any work or purchases conducted prior to the signature of a funding agreement with Public Safety Canada are not reimbursable or eligible under the program, unless the recipient receives written authorization from Public Safety Canada.

CCSP infosheets available

The program has bilingual infosheets available to download for community partners to share with interested organizations.

Recent program changes

Public Safety Canada, which leads CCSP, has taken feedback from organizations and partners and has designed the program to be more responsive to community needs and provide more flexibility to organizations seeking financial support. Under the CCSP:

  • Eligibility for funding has expanded to include office and administrative spaces, cemeteries, and child care centres.
  • Funding for time-limited third-party licensed security personnel is now eligible.
  • Up to 70% of a project's eligible costs may be covered, an increase from the 50% of the cost under the SIP.
  • The maximum level – or stacking limit – of total government assistance (across federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal sources) has been removed, which opens up more opportunities for organizations to apply for other sources of funding.
  • Application requirements have been changed to reduce administrative barriers.
  • Organizations can apply for funding at any time throughout the year through a continuous intake application process.

Program Objectives

The CCSP has three (3) objectives. All applications must demonstrate how the proposed project meets at least one (1) of the following objectives:

  • A reduction and mitigation of the harm caused by incidents of hate-motivated crime in targeted areas;
  • Target communities are equipped to address the risk of hate-motivated crime at their community gathering spaces; and,
  • An increased awareness of the particular challenges faced by communities at risk of hate-motivated crime.

How the program works

Applicants at risk of hate-motivated crimes can submit a project proposal to enhance the safety and security of their facilities (i.e., the project site) by submitting an application to the program.

If approved, the CCSP will fund up to 70% of the eligible costs. The remaining 30% of the project's cost are covered by the recipient. Recipients are now able to use other government funding sources to support their project as long as total government funding does not exceed 100% for the same eligible expense. Organizations are required to disclose all confirmed and potential sources of funding for a proposed project before the start and at the end of a project.

Funding is transferred to the recipient through either a grant or a contribution. The CCSP is currently delivered via contributions. This means that funding is generally provided as a reimbursement upon project completion if the payment requirements are met. This means the applicant will be required to pay for the entirety of their project before they can submit a request for reimbursement from Public Safety. Grants, which do not operate as reimbursements, are anticipated to be available in 2025.

Program phases

The program is delivered through a multi-phase process. Each project proposal submitted will follow this path. We aim to finalize a project as quickly as possible. Timelines depend on the project complexity and application volumes.

To avoid delays and minimize the time required to realize your project, please ensure that you follow all instructions and guidance provided.

Phases of a Canada Community Safety Plan (CCSP) project proposal.


Duration Footnote *

Phase Activities

Application Submission


Applicants seek funding as needed by completing and submitting an application.

Application Assessment

1 month

Public Safety Canada assess applications for eligibility. Higher volumes of applications may extend this timeframe.

Project Development

up to 1 month

Those deemed eligible begin project development, addressing any issues identified during the assessment phase. Being eligible does not guarantee funding.

Project Approval

1 to 2 months

Fully developed CCSP projects are sent for final review. Once approved, an agreement is signed by all parties.

Project Implementation

Up to 12 months

Recipients are permitted to begin their project activities. The projects must be completed within the agreement period outlined in their respective agreements.

Project Payment

1 to 3 months

Recipients submit payment deliverables to Public Safety Canada for processing and payment.

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