Parliamentary Committee Notes: Office of the Auditor General of Canada’s Report 3 – First Nations and Inuit Policing Program

Proposed Response

Public Safety Canada welcomes this audit report. 

If Pressed


March 2024 Auditor General Report’s on the FNIPP

The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) tabled a report on the FNIPP in March 2024 which, among other things, is critical of Public Safety of Canada (PS) financial management of the program and found that the department as well as the RCMP did not work in partnership with Indigenous communities to provide equitable access to the Program.

PS is working actively with various partners to strengthen federal funding supports for safer Indigenous communities in a manner that respects the jurisdiction of provinces and territories over policing. The audit findings are informing PS’s ongoing collaboration and partnership with provinces and territories, law enforcement agencies - including the RCMP - as well as First Nations and Inuit communities to strengthen the strategic focus and measurable impact of FNIPP initiatives.

OAG Recommendations

The OAG made the following recommendations:

3.48 Given the long-standing issues with the First Nations and Inuit Policing Program, and given the federal government’s commitment to truth and reconciliation, Public Safety Canada should work with First Nations and Inuit communities, the provinces and territories, and the RCMP to develop and implement a renewed approach to the program. This approach should include:

3.58 Public Safety Canada and the RCMP, in collaboration with First Nations and Inuit communities and with provinces and territories, should collaborate before new and renewed community tripartite agreements are signed to determine what is possible to offer to communities on the basis of resource capacity.

 Action Plan

The Indigenous Affairs Branch within PS is leading the drafting of the preliminary action plan to address the OAG recommendations.

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