Parliamentary Committee Notes: Main Estimates Portfolio Overview note

Ratification by Parliament of these Main Estimates will result in funding approvals of $13.1B for the Public Safety Portfolio for fiscal year 2024-25. On a portfolio-wide basis, total authorities sought in the 2024-25 Main Estimates will result in a net decrease of ($265.2M) or (2.0%) over the 2023-24 Main Estimates.

Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 by Portfolio Organization (In millions of dollars)
Organizations Main Estimates2023-24 Main Estimates2024-25 $ Variance Change %
PS 2,646.8 1,605.3 (1,041.6) -39.4%
CBSA 2,717.9 2,649.6 (68.3) -2.5%
CSIS 662.8 702.6 39.8 6.0%
CSC 3,053.1 3,171.3 118.2 3.9%
PBC 70.3 73.3 3.0 4.2%
OCI 5.6 7.5 1.9 33.9%
RCMP 4,166.6 4,847.8 681.1 16.3%
ERC 6.5 6.5 0.1 0.9%
CRCC 15.7 16.3 0.6 3.6%
Total – Portfolio 13,345.2 13,080.1 (265.2) -2.0%

I. Summary of Highlights

The most material items affecting funding levels for Public Safety Portfolio organizations in the 2024-25 Main Estimates are listed below:

II. Department/Agency Overview

1. Public Safety Canada (PS)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $1,605.3M. This represents a $1,041.6M decrease or 39.4% over the previous year.

Public Safety Canada Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating expenditures 204.5 229.2 24.7 12.1%
Vote 5 – Grants and contributions 2,421.8 1,353.6 (1,068.2) -44.1%
Total Voted 2,626.3 1,582.8 (1,043.5) -39.7%
Total Statutory 20.5 22,5 2.0 9.6%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,646.8 1,605.3 (1,041.6) -39.4%

Public Safety Canada 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Public  Safety Canada 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for Public Safety Canada and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures represents a total of $229.2M;
  • Grants and contributions represents a total of $1,353.6M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $22.5M.

1.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net decrease in funding of $1,041.6M represents a decrease of $1,068.2M in Vote 5 – Grants and Contributions offset by an increase of $24.7M in Vote 1 – Operating Expenditures.

1.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contributing to the changes in funding levels include (but are not limited to):

These decreases are offset by the following increases:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

2. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $2,649.6M. This represents a $68.3M decrease or (2.5%) over the previous year.

Canada Border Services Agency Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating expenditures 2,307.6 2,228.8 (78.8) -3.4%
Vote 5 – Capital expenditures 182.5 205.7 23.2 12.7%
Total Voted 2,490.1 2,434.6 (55.6) -2.2%
Total Statutory 227.7 215.0 (12.7) -5.6%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,717.9 2,649.6 (68.3) -2.5%

Canada Border Services Agency 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Canada  Border Services Agency 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for Canada Border Agency and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures represents a total of $2,228.8M;
  • Capital expenditures represents a total of $205.7M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $215.0M.

2.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The CBSA’s net decrease of $68.3M represents a decrease of $78.8M in Vote 1 - Operating Expenditures, an increase of $23.2M in Vote 5 - Capital Expenditures, and a decrease of $12.7M in Statutory Expenditures (EBP).

2.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contributing to the changes in funding levels include (but are not limited to) the following increases:

These increases are offset by the following decreases:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

3. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $702.6M. This represents a $39.8M increase or 6.0% over the previous year.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Program expenditures 604.3 648.1 43.8 7.2%
Total Voted 604.3 648.1 43.8 7.2%
Total Statutory 58.5 54.5 (3.9) -6.7%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 662.8 702.6 39.8 6.0%

Canadian Security Intelligence Service 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Canadian  Security Intelligence Service 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Program expenditures represents a total of $648.1M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $54.5M.

Image description

3.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net increase of $39.8M represents an increase of $43.8M in Vote 1 – Program Expenditures and is offset by a decrease of ($3.9M) in Statutory Expenditures (EBP).

3.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contribution to the increase in funding levels include:

Offset by a net decrease of $3.9M in Statutory primarily attributable to:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

4. Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $3,171.3M. This represents a $118.2M increase or 3.9% over the previous year.

Correctional Service of Canada Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating expenditures, grants and contributions 2,594.1 2,655.5 61.4 2.4%
Vote 5 – Capital Expenditures 197.6 262.7 65.2 33.0%
Vote 10 – CORCAN revolving fund - 0.0 0.0 0.0%
Total Voted 2,791.6 2,918.2 126.6 4.5%
Total Statutory 261.4 253.1 (8.4) -3.2%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 3,053.1 3,171.3 118.2 3.9%

Correctional Service of Canada 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Correctional  Service of Canada 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for Correctional Service Canada and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures, grants and contributions represents a total of $2,655.5M;
  • Capital expenditures represents a total of $262.7M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $253.1M.

4.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net increase in funding of $118.2M represents an increase of $61.4M in Vote 1 – Operating Expenditures, an increase of $65.2M in Vote 5 – Capital Expenditures and is offset by a decrease of ($8.4M) in Statutory funding.

4.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contributing to the increases in funding levels include:

These increases are offset by the following main items:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

5. Parole Board of Canada (PBC)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates 2024-25 is $73.3M. This represents a $3.0M increase or 4.2% over the previous year.

Parole Board of Canada Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Program expenditures 62.9 65.9 3.0 4.8%
Total Voted 62.9 65.9 3.0 4.8%
Total Statutory 7.4 7.3 (0.1) -1.0%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 70.3 73.3 3.0 4.2%

Parole Board of Canada 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Parole  Board of Canada 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for the Parole Board of Canada (PBC) and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Program expenditures represents a total of $65.9M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $7.3M.

5.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net increase of $3.0M represents an increase of $3.0M in Vote 1 – Program Expenditures and a decrease of $0.1M in Statutory Authorities.

5.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contribution to the changes in funding levels include (but are not limited to):

The increase is offset by the following decreases:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

6. Office of the Correctional Investigator (OCI)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $7.5M. This represents a $1.9M increase or 33.9% over the previous year.

Office of the Correctional Investigator Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Program expenditures 5.0 6.7 1.8 35.8%
Total Voted 5.0 6.7 1.8 35.8%
Total Statutory 0.6 0.7 0.1 18.0%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 5.6 7.5 1.9 33.9%

Office of the Correctional Investigator 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Office  of the Correctional Investigator 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for the Office of the Correctional Investigator and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Program expenditures represents a total of $6.7M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $0.7M.

6.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net increase of $1.9M represents an increase of $1.8M in Vote 1 – Program Expenditures and an increase of $0.1M in Statutory Expenditures.

6.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contribution to the changes in funding levels is mainly attributable to:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

7. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $4,847.8M. This represents a $681.1M increase or 16.3% over the previous year.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating Expenditures 3,109.9 3,013.7 (96.3) -3.1%
Vote 5 – Capital Expenditures 284.0 262.6 (21.4) -7.5%
Vote 10 – Grants and contributions 201.4 24.8 (176.6) -87.7%
Vote 15 – Payments in respect of disability and health benefits for members of the RCMP - 952.1 952.1 100.0%
Total Voted 3,595.4 4,253.2 657.8 18.3%
Total Statutory 571.2 594.6 23.4 4.1%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 4,166.6 4,847.8 681.1 16.3%

Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Royal  Canadian Mounted Police 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures represents a total of $3,013.7M;
  • Capital expenditures represents a total of $262.6M;
  • Grants and contributions represents a total of $24.8M;
  • Payments in respect of disability and health benefits for members of the RCMP expenditures represents a total of $952.1M;and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $594.6M.

7.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net increase of $681.1M represents an increase of $952.1M in the new payments for Members health and disability vote, and $23.4M in Statutory appropriations. These increases are partially offset by decreases of $96.3M in the operating vote, $21.5M in the capital vote, and $176.6M in the grants and contributions vote.

7.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contributing to the increase in funding levels include (but are not limited to):

These increases are partially offset by:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

8. Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee (ERC)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $6.5M. This represents a $56K increase or 0.9% over the previous year.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Program expenditures 5.8 5.9 0.1 1.8%
Total Voted 5.8 5.9 0.1 1.8%
Total Statutory 0.7 0.6 (0.0) -7.0%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 6.5 6.5 0.1 0.9%

Royal Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Royal  Canadian Mounted Police External Review Committee 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for the RCMP External Review Committee (ERC) and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Program expenditures represents a total of $5.9M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $0.6M.

8.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net increase in the overall ERC budget is of $56K. This is calculated through an increase of $102K in Vote 1 – Program Expenditures and a statutory EBP decrease of $46K.

8.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contributing to the changes in funding levels is mainly due to an increase in Negotiated Salary Adjustments.

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

9. Civilian Review and Complaints for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (CRCC)

The total funding sought in Main Estimates for 2024-25 is $16.3M. This represents a $0.6M increase or 3.6% over the previous year.

Civilian Review and Complaints for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Comparison of Main Estimates 2023-24 to 2024-25 (in $ millions)
Vote Main Estimates 2023-24 ($M) Main Estimates 2024-25 ($M) Variance ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Program expenditures 14.1 14.8 0.6 4.5%
Total Voted 14.1 14.8 0.6 4.5%
Total Statutory 1.6 1.5 (0.1) -3.7%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 15.7 16.3 0.6 3.6%

Civilian Review and Complaints for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Civilian  Review and Complaints for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police 2024-25 Main Estimates - by Vote

Image description

The pie chart shows authorities for the 2024-25 Main Estimates breakdown by vote for the Civilian Review and Complaints Commission for the RCMP (CRCC) and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Program expenditures represents a total of $14.8M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $1.5M.

9.1 Highlights of Main Estimates Elements

The net increase of $0.6M represents an increase of $0.6M in Vote 1 – Program Expenditures and a decrease of $0.1M in Statutory Authorities (EBP).

9.2 Summary of Net annual Change in Main Estimates by Program/Initiative and By Vote Breakdown

The main factors contributing to the changes in funding levels is primarily attributable to compensation adjustments.

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.


Prepared by; Chloé Tondreau, Junior Financial Analyst, Resources Management, Corporate Management Branch, Tel. no. 819-743-8455

Approved by: all Portfolio Chief Financial Officers

Attested by: Patrick Amyot, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Public Safety Canada, Tel. no. (613) 990-2615

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