Parliamentary Committee Notes: Supplementary Estimates C Portfolio Overview Note

The 2023-24 Supplementary Estimates “C” (SEC) will be tabled in the House of Commons in February 2024.

On a portfolio-wide basis, total authorities sought in SEC would result in a net increase of $590.1M or 3.9% over current estimates. The approval of these Estimates would result in Public Safety (PS) Portfolio total authorities increasing to $15.9B.  

Portfolio Overview of Proposed Authorities to Date for 2023-24   (in $million)
Organizations Authorities to Date These Supplementary Estimates Proposed Authorities to Date Change %
PS 2,771.6 222.5 2,994.1 8.0%
CBSA 2,949.3 57.4 3,006.7 1.9%
CSIS 724.6 (1.4) 723.3 -0.2%
CSC 3,612.7 35.3 3,648.0 1.0%
PBC 72.8 - 72.8 0.0%
OCI 6.9 - 6.9 0.0%
RCMP 5,152.7 276.3 5,429.0 5.4%
ERC 6.6 - 6.6 0.0%
CRCC 16.9 - 16.9 0.0%
Total – Portfolio 15,314.0 590.1 15,904.1 3.9%

I. Explanation of Total Authorities To-Date

II. Department/Agency Overview

1. Public Safety Canada (PS)

The 2023-24 Supplementary Estimates “C” net total amount for PS is $222.5M, or 8.0% of authorities to date.

Public Safety Canada Proposed Authorities to Date including Supplementary Estimates C for 2023-24  (in $million)
Authorities to Date ($M) Transfers ($M) Adjustments ($M) Supplementary Estimates C Total ($M) Proposed Authorities to Date ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating expenditures 246.3 (0.5) 16.4 15.9 262.2 6.5%
Vote 5 – Grants and contributions 2,502.8 - 203.6 203.6 2,706.4 8.1%
Total Voted 2,749.1 (0.5) 220.1 219.5 2,968.7 8.0%
Total Statutory 22.5 - 3.0 3.0 25.4 13.2%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,771.6 (0.5) 223.0 222.5 2,994.1 8.0%

Public Safety Canada Proposed Authorities To Date

Public Safety  Canada Proposed Authorities To Date

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The pie chart shows the proposed authorities to date breakdown by vote for Public Safety Canada and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures represents a total of $262.2M;
  • Grants and contributions represents a total of $2,706.4M;and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $25.4M.

1.1 Voted Appropriations

PS is anticipating to receive Treasury Board authority to increase its voted appropriations by $220.1M for the following items:

1.2 Statutory Appropriations

Statutory appropriations related to the Employee Benefit Plan is $3.0M for PS.

1.3 Transfers (From/To Other Government Departments)

PS is proposing to transfer a total of  ($515K) from its appropriations to other federal government organizations resulting from the following transfers:

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

2. Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)

The 2023-24 Supplementary Estimates “C” net total amount for the CBSA is $57.4M, or 1.9% of authorities to date.

Canada Border Services Agency Proposed Authorities to Date including Supplementary Estimates C for 2023-24 (in $million)
Authorities to Date ($M) Transfers ($M) Adjustments ($M) Supplementary Estimates C Total ($M) Proposed Authorities to Date ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating expenditures 2,451.8 3.0 45.2 48.2 2,500.0 2.0%
Vote 5 – Grants and contributions 265.7 0.7 0.1 0.8 266.5 0.3%
Total Voted 2,717.5 3.7 45.3 49.1 2,766.5 1.8%
Total Statutory 231.8 - 8.3 8.3 240.1 3.6%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 2,949.3 3.7 53.6 57.4 3,006.7 1.9%

Canada Border Services Agency Proposed Authorities To Date

Canada Border  Services Agency Proposed Authorities To Date

Image description

The pie chart shows the proposed authorities to date breakdown by vote for Canada Border Services Agency and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures represents a total of $2,500.0M;
  • Capital expenditures represents a total of $266.5M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $240.1M.

2.1 Voted Appropriations

The CBSA is anticipating to receive Treasury Board authority to increase its voted appropriations by $45.3M for the following items:

2.2 Statutory Appropriations

Statutory appropriations related to the Employee Benefit Plan is $8.3M for CBSA.

2.3 Transfers (From/To Other Government Departments)

The CBSA will receive transfers of $3.7M from its appropriations from/to other federal government organizations.

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

3. Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS)

The 2023-24 Supplementary Estimates “C” net total amount for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service is ($1.4M) or (0.2%) of authorities to date. Upon approval of the 2023-24 Supplementary Estimates “C”, the total authorities will be $723.3M.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service Proposed Authorities to Date including Supplementary Estimates C for 2023-24  (in $million)
Authorities to Date ($M) Transfers ($M) Adjustments ($M) Supplementary Estimates C Total ($M) Proposed Authorities to Date ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Program expenditures 666.0 (2.6) 1.1 (1.5) 664.5 -0.2%
Total Voted 666.0 (2.6) 1.1 (1.5) 664.5 -0.2%
Total Statutory 58.6 - 0.1 0.1 58.7 0.2%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 724.6 (2.6) 1.2 (1.4) 723.3 -0.2%

Canadian Security Intelligence Service Proposed Authorities To Date

Public Safety  Canada Proposed Authorities To Date

Image description

The pie chart shows the proposed authorities to date breakdown by vote for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Program expenditures represents a total of $664.5M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $58.7M.

3.1 Voted Appropriations

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service has received Treasury Board authority to increase its voted appropriations by $1.1M.

3.2 Statutory Appropriations

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service has received Treasury Board authority to increase its statutory appropriations by $0.1M.

3.3 Transfers (From/To Other Government Departments)

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service has transferred $2.6M to other federal government organizations from its appropriations.

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

4. Correctional Service of Canada (CSC)

The 2023-24 Supplementary Estimates “C” net total amount for the Correctional Service of Canada is $35.3M or 1.0% of authorities to date.

Correctional Service of Canada Proposed Authorities to Date including Supplementary Estimates C for 2023-24 (in $million)
Authorities to Date ($M) Transfers ($M) Adjustments ($M) Supplementary Estimates C Total ($M) Proposed Authorities to Date ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating expenditures, grants and contributions 3,077.7 1.8 24.0 25.7 3,103.4 0.8%
Vote 5 – Capital expenditures 260.2 (1.8) 10.6 8.8 269.0 3.4%
Vote 10 – CORCAN revolving fund - - 0.0 0.0 - 0.0%
Total Voted 3,337.9 - 34.6 34.6 3,372.5 1.0%
Total Statutory 274.7 - 0.7 275.5 275.5 0.3%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 3,612.7 - 35.3 35.3 3,648.0 1.0%

Correctional Service of Canada Proposed Authorities To Date

Correctional Service of Canada Proposed Authorities To Date

Correctional Service  of Canada Proposed Authorities To Date

Image description

The pie chart shows the proposed authorities to date breakdown by vote for Correctional Service Canada and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures, grants and contributions represents a total of $3,103.4M;
  • Capital expenditures represents a total of $269.0M; and
  • Total statutory represents a total of $275.5M.

4.1 Voted Appropriations

The Correctional Service of Canada has received Treasury Board authority to increase its voted appropriations by $34.6M.

4.2 Statutory Appropriations

The Correctional Service of Canada Statutory funding related to the Employee Benefit Plan is $0.7M.

4.3 Internal Transfers (Between Votes)

The Correctional Service of Canada is transferring $1.8M from Vote 5 – Capital Expenditures to Vote 1 – Operating expenditures for the Offender Management System Modernization Project.

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.

5. Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

The 2023-24 Supplementary Estimates “C” net total amount for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police is $276.3M or 5.4% of authorities to date.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Proposed Authorities to Date including Supplementary Estimates C for 2023-24 (in $million)
  Authorities to Date ($M) Transfers ($M) Adjustments ($M) Supplementary Estimates C Total ($M) Proposed Authorities to Date ($M) Change (%)
Vote 1 – Operating expenditures 3,454.6 (1.0) 171.9 170.9 3,625.5 4.9%
Vote 5 – Capital expenditures 381.8 0.9 69.9 70.9 452.6 18.6%
Vote 10 – Grants and contributions 741.5 - 19.5 19.5 761.0 2.6%
Total Voted 4,577.9 (0.1) 261.3 261.3 4,839.1 5.7%
Total Statutory 574.8 - 15.0 15.0 589.8 2.6%
Total Budgetary Expenditures 5,152.7 (0.1) 276.4 276.3 5,429.0 5.4%

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Proposed Authorities To Date

Royal Canadian  Mounted Police Proposed Authorities To Date

Image description

The pie chart shows the proposed authorities to date breakdown by vote for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and they are illustrated with the following amounts:

  • Operating expenditures represents a total of $3,625.5M;
  • Capital expenditures represents a total of $452.6M;
  • Grants and contributions represents a total of $761.0M; and
  • Statutory expenditures represents a total of $589.8M.

5.1 Voted Appropriations

The RCMP has received Treasury Board authority to increase its voted appropriations by $261.3M.

5.2 Statutory Appropriations

The RCMP anticipates receiving $15.0M of statutory appropriations related to the EBP for all employee categories.

5.3 Transfers (From/To Other Government Departments)

The RCMP has entered into transfer agreements totalling ($67.2K) from/to other federal government organizations.

5.4 Internal Transfers (Between Votes)

The RCMP is transferring $949K from Vote 1 – Operating expenditures to Vote 5 - Capital expenditures to support firearms compensation program web portal and case management system.

The RCMP is transferring $300K from the grant entitled To compensate members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for injuries received in the performance of duty (R.S.C., 1985, c. R-11) to the grant RCMP Survivor Income Plan.

Totals throughout may not add up due to rounding.


Prepared by: Chloé Tondreau, Tel. no. (343) 576-0972

Approved by: All Portfolio Chief Financial Officers

Attested by: Patrick Amyot, CPA , Chief Financial Officer Public Safety Canada

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