Parliamentary Committee Notes: Foreign Interference


Overarching message on progress and priorities

Protect Canada’s Democratic Institutions against Foreign Interference/Disinformation

Bring forward measures to counter the rise of ideologically-inspired violent extremism

Increase resources to promote economic security and combat foreign interference

Expand information and intelligence sharing with partners and safeguard Canada’s world-leading research ecosystem, as well as our intellectual property intensive businesses


Foreign Interference

Foreign interference (FI) includes activities undertaken by state or non-state actors that are harmful to Canada's interests and are clandestine or deceptive, or involve a threat to any person. Techniques used to conduct FI can include espionage, sabotage, illicit and corrupt financing, and other threat activities. Foreign states leverage these activities to advance their strategic interests including: domestic stability, seeking geopolitical influence, economic advancement, revision of the rules-based international order, and military advantage. These activities can be directed at Canadians, or residents of Canada, or against Canadian institutions to advance their strategic interests at the expense of our national interests and values.

Through its mandate to investigate threats to the security of Canada, including foreign interference, CSIS has seen multiple instances of foreign states targeting Canadian institutions and communities. As well, the RCMP is aware that illegal state-backed activities are committed against Canadians and Canadian interests, and investigates these activities further to its mandate.

Several reports have highlighted the threat of FI in Canada. For example, in its 2021 Public Report, CSIS stated that FI activities in Canada continue to be sophisticated, persistent, and pervasive. Espionage and foreign-influenced activities are directed at Canadian entities both inside and outside of Canada, and directly threaten Canada’s national security and strategic interests. In its 2022 Public Report, CSIS highlighted examples of how foreign states undertake this activity, including clandestinely spreading mis- and dis-information, as well as monitoring, intimidating and harassing communities in Canada. Prior to these reports, the 2019 Annual Report of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) outlined FI activities, including the targeting of Canadian democratic institutions by threat actors. The NSICOP (2019) report pointed to Russia and China as being particularly active in Canada and made a number of recommendations for Canada to bolster its response to the threat of FI.

As the threat environment evolves, Canada is enhancing measures already in place, as well as bolstering its toolkit and legislative framework. In recognition of the current threat landscape, the Government of Canada announced a series of new initiatives aimed at combatting FI in the spring of 2023, including:

In addition, on November 23, 2023, Public Safety Canada (PS), in partnership with the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and the Department of Justice (JUS) launched public consultations to examine the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, the Criminal Code, the Security of Information Act and the Canada Evidence Act to potentially:

Threats to Democracy

Canada has observed state-sponsored information campaigns, aimed at reshaping or undermining the rules-based-international order. Disinformation, originating from anywhere in the world, can have serious consequences including threats to the safety and security of Canadians, erosion of trust in our democratic institutions, and confusion about government policies and notices.

Although Canada's electoral system is strong, threat actors have sought to target its politicians, political parties, elections, and media outlets in order to manipulate Canadian public opinion and interfere with Canada's democracy.

CSIS delivers briefings to protect against this threat, with the aim of promoting awareness of hostile activities by state actors and strengthening security practices. The provision of CSIS intelligence and assessments to senior levels of government allows for informed decision-making when responding to and developing policies to address these threats. Likewise, the RCMP has a broad, multifaceted mandate to ensure public safety by investigating, disrupting and preventing foreign interference drawing upon authorities enshrined in various legislation.

Information manipulation has been a subject of international collaboration across a variety of bilateral and multilateral engagements and fora. For example, you represent Canada at the Five-Country Ministerial (FCM), an annual forum where Five Eyes security ministers meet to discuss opportunities for collaboration, coordination, and information sharing on various national security issues, including on countering foreign interference.

Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference

On September 7, 2023, you announced the establishment of a Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference in Federal Electoral Processes and Democratic Institutions. The inquiry is led by the Honourable Marie-Josée Hogue, puisne judge of the Quebec Court of Appeal, whose work as Commissioner began on September 18, 2023. Justice Hogue is mandated to examine and assess interference by China, Russia and other foreign states or nonstate actors, including any potential impacts, to confirm the integrity of, and any impacts on, the 43rd and 44th federal general elections at the national and electoral district levels.

The Commissioner is directed to deliver an interim report by May 3, 2024, and a final report by December 2024. The Commissioner may deliver a classified report containing any relevant classified content, if required, and a report suitable for disclosure to the public.

Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism

The Government of Canada’s effort in the counter-terrorism/violent extremism (VE) space is informed by the 2012 Counter-Terrorism Strategy and its four pillars: Prevent, Detect, Disrupt, and Respond. In 2019, the Government of Canada adopted three broad, non-mutually exclusive categories with respect to VE: Religiously-Motivated Violent Extremism (RMVE), Politically-Motivated Violent Extremism (PMVE), and Ideologically-Motivated Violent Extremism (IMVE), which is further broken down into the following four subcategories: xenophobic violence, anti-authority violence, gender-driven violence and other grievance-driven and ideologically motivated violence.

Since 2014, there has been a significant increase in attacks inspired by IMVE narratives worldwide. Canadian attacks motivated in whole or in part by IMVE include: 2014 Moncton shooter, 2017 Quebec mosque shooter and 2018 Toronto van attacker. On June 6, 2023, Ontario’s Superior Court ruled that the February 2020 Toronto Massage Parlor murder met the Criminal Code definition of terrorism. The ruling does not constitute a separate terror charge; rather, the decision will factor into the accused's sentence, which has yet to be determined. This is the first terrorism charge and ruling against an IMV extremist, let alone against a perpetrator connected to the involuntary celibate (incel) movement. Most recently, on November 16th, 2023, the perpetrator of the vehicular attack that killed four members of a Muslim family and seriously injured another in London, Ontario, was found guilty of first-degree murder. In his sentencing, the judge also ruled Veltman’s actions constitute as terrorism under Canadian law.

Over the course of the past year, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) has developed an IMVE Strategy that outlines the gaps and challenges investigators face when identifying and disrupting potential IMVE threat actors. This Strategy lays the groundwork for the RCMP to take inventory of its own tools and identifies areas where additional resources would be required to effectively mitigate potential threats.

In response to concerns over fragmented social cohesion giving rise to the spread of disinformation, increasing polarization, and the potential for radicalization and violent extremism, officials from PS, CSIS, the RCMP, and the JUS have conducted a series of engagement sessions with representatives of the Jewish, Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim communities in Canada, to address community safety concerns. These community groups expressed concerns about potential bias and misinformation in media and public discourse skewing public perceptions and reinforcing negative stereotypes of their communities, enflaming tensions, and stigmatizing their members leading to potential hate-fueled violence.

Economic Security

Increased global trade together with rapid technological innovation have provided Canada with immense opportunities for economic growth and increased prosperity. Important emerging fields of technology have become key drivers of economic growth and development. However, these advancements have also given rise to new and serious national security vulnerabilities that are emanating through a range of entry points into Canada’s economy. Sensitive technologies with military or dual-use applications, sensitive personal data of Canadians, and critical infrastructure are among the key assets that drive our economy and are often most targeted by hostile actors. As an example, in his remarks to the Centre for International Governance Innovation in February 2021, CSIS Director David Vigneault named Canada’s biopharmaceutical and health sector, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, ocean technology and aerospace sectors as facing particularly severe threat activity.

These threats may come from: foreign investments from hostile actors in strategic sectors and industries important to Canada’s national security; the acquisition sensitive goods, technology, and expertise; or funding partnerships with our universities and research institutions to gain access to cutting edge technology and IP.

The Government of Canada has a suite of tools at its disposal to protect the Canadian economy and, more broadly, Canadian strategic interests from harm. These include: the Controlled Goods Program (CGP), administered by Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC); the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA), administered by Global Affairs Canada (GAC); and the Investment Canada Act (ICA), administered by Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED), with Public Safety Canada leading the ICA-national security review of proposed foreign investments that threaten Canada’s national security.

Several of Canada’s security partners, including Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States have upgraded their capabilities to more readily identify and mitigate economic-based threats to national security. Canada is seeking to build on the current regime protecting our most valuable assets while maintaining the openness and innovation crucial to the Canadian economy.

Information Sharing/Safeguarding the Research Ecosystem

Research Security Centre

Budget 2022 announced the creation of the Research Security Centre, housed at Public Safety. The Centre has three primary responsibilities: (1) implementing and managing the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships; (2) Creating and distributing tools and resources on research security to Canada’s academic community, and; (3) providing specific advice to researchers and universities about their research and how to secure it.

The Centre includes a team of regional advisors, located across Canada who provide the advice and guidance directly to universities and researchers. The regional advisors have had over 300 engagements with academics and universities across the country.

National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships

The Government released the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships on July 12, 2021. The Guidelines were developed in consultation with the Government of Canada-Universities Working Group. All researchers are encouraged to use the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships to assess all research partnerships, with any partner or funder, to protect their work. A phased, risk-based process is being used to implement the guidelines, starting with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council’s (NSERC) Alliance Grants for applications involving a private sector partner. As of Fall 2023, the program was expanded to the Canadian Biomedical Research Fund/Biomedical Research Infrastructure Fund phase 2 call. Further expansion will continue in early 2024.

Research Security Statement

On February 14, 2023, the Minister of Public Safety, the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry, and the Minister of Health Canada announced new eligibility criteria for federal research grant funding from Canada’s granting councils and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. Once implemented, these new rules would prohibit research funding from being awarded to a proposal where any of the researchers are affiliated with – or in receipt of funding or in-kind contributions – from a university, research institute or laboratory connected to military, national defence or state security entities of foreign state actors that pose a risk to our national security.

On January 16, 2024, the Ministers released further information regarding the implementation of the Sensitive Technology Research and Affiliations of Concern (STRAC) policy. As part of the new policy, Public Safety developed two lists:

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