Standing Committee on Security, Defence and Veterans Affairs (SECD)
Bill C-21, an Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms)

October 23, 2023

Opening Remarks and Overview

  1. Overview Note
  2. SECD Biographies
  3. Opening Remarks for the Minister

General Information on Bill C-21

  1. Overview Deck
  2. Second Reading in the House of Commons: Summary of Debate
  3. Bill C-21 – Text of the Bill (Third Reading in the House of Commons)
  4. Clause by clause analysis

Issue Notes

  1. Buyback (Bill Changes to Affect Mandatory Disposal
  2. Curbing Firearms Smuggling and Trafficking
  3. National Handgun “Freeze”
  4. Replica Firearms Prohibition
  5. Large Capacity Magazines
  6. Ghost Guns and Illegal Manufacturing in Canada
  7. Complementary Firearms and Gun Violence Measures
  8. Red and Yellow Flag Laws: Strengthening Measures to Combat Firearms
  9. Provincial Responsibilities in Regulating Firearms
  10. Mass Casualty Commission – Firearms
  11. Changes to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA)
  12. Firearms Statistics
  13. Provincial / Territorial Positions on Firearms
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