Re-introducing most of former Bill C-21 (remove non-permissive storage of assault-style firearms to make buy back mandatory)
Stronger GBV protections
New measures to fight firearms crime and strengthen administrative integrity
National freeze on handguns
Future regulations on large capacity magazines
1. Former Bill C-21
Establish “red flag” firearms removal tool: permit anyone to obtain court order to remove firearms up to 30 days
Establish “yellow flag” licence suspension regime: permit Chief Firearms Officers (CFO) to suspend licences up to 30 days for reasonable suspicion that firearms owner may no longer be eligible for licence
Require firearm to be surrendered during licence revocation hearing
Increase maximum penalties for weapons smuggling/trafficking from 10 to 14 years
Make offence to alter cartridge magazine to exceed legal limits
Make offence to promote violence in firearms marketing
Allow disclosure of firearms licensing information to Canadian law enforcement to stop straw purchasing and trafficking
Prohibit import/export and transfer of mid-velocity replicas (airguns) to individuals
Require licence to import ammunition
Authorize select federal and nuclear safety entities to carry prohibited firearms and exercise limited peace officer status
Centralize approval of Authorization to Carry handguns for personal protection in Commissioner of Firearms
Strengthen transborder Criminal Inadmissibility Framework by transferring policy responsibilities under Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) to Minister of Public Safety and allow border agents to turn away foreign nationals for regulatory infractions
Require firearms licence to import ammunition
2. Stronger GBV Protections
Add victim and applicant protections to “red flag” laws: judicial discretion to protect anonymity
Create new program to raise awareness about “red flag” laws and make tool accessible to all
Protection orders (e.g., restraining orders) to affect firearms licences:
prevent individuals with a prior or current protection order from obtaining a firearms licence
revoke an existing licence in the case of a new protection order
revoke a licence if the CFO becomes aware of the owner being involved in an act of domestic violence or stalking
CFO may grant conditional licence for sustenance hunting or employment
3. Fighting Firearms Crime and Administrative Integrity
Add two firearms possession offences to list of offences eligible for wiretapping
Repeal Governor in Council (GIC) ability to downgrade firearms classification
Make firearms registration certificates expire automatically after reclassification
4. Handguns
National “freeze” on handguns
prohibit most individuals from buying, selling or transferring handguns
effectively prohibit buying a handgun abroad and returning to Canada with it by prohibiting issuance of registration certificate and transport from port of entry
individuals could continue to use handguns they possess already, but most could not get new ones or transfer any
Exceptions : licensed businesses, individuals with Authorization to Carry and high-performance athletes
5. Future Regulatory Proposals
Require permanent alteration of large capacity magazines so that they can never hold more than five arounds and prohibit sale and transfer of magazines capable of holding more than legal number of bullets
Consult industry and law enforcement on how to implement replica provisions
Consulter Indigenous People on exemptions to revocations, e.g., for sustenance hunting