Bastarache report - Recruiting

Classification: Unclassified

Fully releasable (ATIP)? Yes

Branch/Agency: RCMP


Many recommendations in the Bastarache report highlighted the need to closely examine the RCMP police officer recruitment process

Proposed Response:


Specific recommendations that identified recruiting, and progress to date, are as follows:

Recommendation 21:

How are prospective RCMP employees screened to weed out “bad apples”? Since they still seem to get through, what changes are you making to the screening process?

Recommendation 22:

Do you think that increasing the educational requirements for applicants will increase the calibre of applicants?

Recommendation 25:

The RCMP has placed a high priority on recruiting cadets from groups traditionally underrepresented in policing. If these new recruits are then subjected to systemic racism, harassment and discrimination inside the RCMP, how will this help to reform the RCMP’s culture?

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