Impact of Border Measures and Statistics

June 16, 2020

Classification: Unclassified

Branch/Agency: SPB/CBSA

Overall (June 8 – June 14) – weekly data:

Admissibility of Immediate Family of Canadian Citizens/Permanent Residents (June 9 – 15):

Note: Immediate family members can enter Canada under the new OIC 13 and OIC 14 if: (1) they are asymptomatic (2) they are entering Canada to be with their immediate family member; and (3) they can demonstrate the intent to stay in Canada for a period of at least 15 days. In order for a foreign national to be allowed to enter Canada, the standard for entry must be met in full otherwise, they can be denied entry to Canada.

Travellers - Air Mode (from March 22 – June 15):

Travellers - Land, Rail and Marine Mode (from March 22 – June 15):

*Note: Referral rates for the CBSA are not 1:1; travellers may respond in error, report symptoms that are not COVID-19 related, or be referred to Quarantine Officers from PHAC Screening Officers (which is not captured by CBSA reporting)

Refugee Claimants (from March 21 – June 15):

Canadians turned back at U.S. Border (As of June 15):

Commercial Operations – Year over Year data:

Border Information Service (on June 14):

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