BSO Misconduct and Investigations at the CBSA

Classification: Unclassified

Fully releasable (ATIP)? Yes

Branch/Agency: CBSA

Issue: Response to ATIP package #A-2020-00482 (employee misconduct/investigations).

Proposed Response:

If pressed on harassment in the workplace:

If pressed on specific cases referenced in the ATIP:


Release of Information relating to Investigations into BSO Misconduct

The ATIP release contained summary information of all allegations received between 2018 and 2020. The content of this ATIP describes :

For serious cases of employee misconduct, a formal investigation is conducted by a Senior Investigator from CBSA’s Security and Professional Standards Directorate. At the conclusion of the investigation, a report outlining the investigator’s findings is issued to the responsible senior manager and corrective measures are applied, as appropriate.

In fiscal year 2019-20, the CBSA reviewed over 400 allegations of misconduct. While a majority of cases are addressed directly by management, the CBSA conducted 35 formal Professional Standards Investigation into serious allegations of misconduct in fiscal year 2019-2020.

Creating a Respectful Workplace free from Misconduct and Other Inappropriate Behavior

The CBSA takes the well-being of its employees very seriously and emphasizes the appropriate behaviours expected of its employees at all levels. The CBSA has taken a number of concrete measures to ensure a healthy and respectful workplace, including:

The objectives of this work are to support the Agency in addressing unhealthy conflict in the workplace before it happens, and to improve the CBSA’s response  and subsequent workplace restoration in instances where it does occur.

Prepared by: Pierre Lessard, Director General, FCMB, [REDACTED]
Approved by: Jonathan Moor, Vice-President, FCMB, [REDACTED]
Louise Youdale, Vice-President, HRB, 613-948-3180

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