Asylum seekers

Classification: Unclassified

Branch/Agency: IRCC

Proposed Response:

Financial Implications:

Funding sought in 2019-20 through Budget 2019 and 2019-20 Supplementary Estimates:

In addition, 2019-20 Main Estimates included an amount of $324 million for Interim Housing Assistance Program (IHAP) to support provinces and municipalities for temporary housing as a result of increased volumes of asylum seekers.

Through the Supplementary Estimates A, an additional $121 million was sought for IHAP from unused funding in 2018-19 which brings the total of available funding in 2019-20 to $445 million in Vote 10 – Grants and Contributions.

2020-21 Main Estimates (not yet public):

IRCC’s Main Estimates propose to include funding provided by Budget 2019 in the amount of $158 million destined for health care to refugees and asylum seekers through the Interim Federal Health Program, as well as $91.2 million to enhance the integrity of Canada’s borders and asylum system.


Latest Asylum Trends

Budget 2019

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