Biology Casework Analysis Contribution Program
Terms and Conditions

1. Authority

Section 6(1)(c) of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Act, S.C. 2005, ch.10 authorizes the Minister of Public Safety to make grants or contributions to support the mandate and priorities of the Department. The BCACP supports crime scene biology casework analysis laboratory capacity through funding allocations to eligible recipients as defined in Section 4 of the Terms and Conditions.

2. Program Description, Objectives and Outcomes

The Biology Casework Analysis Contribution Program (BCACP) provides financial contributions to the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, which have established independent forensic laboratories for the purpose of conducting biology casework analysis, including DNA identification analysis, in support of criminal investigations and prosecutions. The purpose of these contributions is to encourage provincial contribution of DNA profiles to the Crime Scene Index (CSI) of the National DNA Data Bank (NDDB).

The objective of this program is to enhance the cooperative participation of Ontario and Quebec with the population of the Crime Scene Index (CSI) of the NDDB through forensic DNA analysis of biological material from crime scenes within provincial jurisdictions. This program will contribute to achieving the Federal Government's objectives related to public safety, security and the administration of justice.

Biology casework analysis (DNA analysis) is one of the most important prosecutorial and investigatory tools available to the criminal justice system.

The use of DNA analysis benefits the criminal justice system by contributing to the overall efficiency of the system. DNA analysis can shorten and focus police investigations, enhance public safety by quickly identifying dangerous offenders and removing them from the street, and it can help to reduce prosecution and court costs. DNA analysis can also help the federal government avoid the financial and social burdens of incarcerating innocent people and prevent the financial costs associated with the exoneration of wrongly convicted persons.

This program provides contributions to the governments of Ontario and Quebec which operate forensic laboratories that undertake biological casework analysis for the purpose of criminal identification and which provide crime scene DNA profiles to the NDDB.

The program aligns with Government of Canada priorities and aligns with the Department's objectives for a safe and resilient Canada. It is critical to public safety that a stable funding structure is in place to ensure that crimes are efficiently and effectively investigated, and offenders are fairly convicted and sentenced. The BCACP aligns with the overall federal government objective of supporting a sustainable, national DNA analysis framework as part of promoting public safety and an efficient justice system.

The BCACP also aligns with the Department's Government of Canada's objectives achieved through cost sharing forensic DNA analysis as established under the Biology Casework Analysis Agreements, and similarly ensures a sustainable, consistent, and equitable approach to cost-sharing DNA analysis in Canada.

The BCACP contributes to achieving results under the Serious and Organized Crime program of Public Safety's Program Inventory.

The specific objectives of the BCACP are:

Outcomes are as follows:

  1. Immediate Outcome: Strategies, tools and funding are developed to increase the capacity of the law enforcement community.
    1. Number of DNA analysis completed under the BCACP
  2. Intermediate Outcome: Departmental strategies, policies and procedures enable the law enforcement community to address their priorities and the priorities and the Government of Canada.
    1. Number of DNA profiles submitted to the Crime Scene Index of the National DNA Data Bank
  3. Ultimate Outcome: Canadian communities are safe. [Departmental Results Framework 2022-23]
    1. Decrease in Crime Severity Index nationally

Through achieving these objectives, the BCACP will contribute to broader objectives of a sustainable biology casework regime in Canada and will promote the increased effectiveness and efficiency of the NDDB.

3. Eligible Recipients

The eligible recipients for this program are the Province of Ontario, which operates the Centre for Forensic Science, and the Province of Quebec, which operates Laboratoire de science judiciaires et de médecine légale, for the purpose of conducting crime scene biology casework analysis.

4. Eligible Activities

Eligible activities include those undertaken by the recipient for the purposes of identifying, collecting and analyzing biological materials left at crime scenes and deriving DNA profiles to populate the Crime Scene Index of the National DNA Data Bank. These profiles will be utilized by law enforcement to assist in criminal investigations and prosecutions which contribute to the public safety of all Canadians.

5. Eligible Expenditures 

Funds may be used only for expenses directly related to the laboratory operations required for the purpose of undertaking biology casework analysis, including:

  1. salaries and wages for permanent or temporary professional, clerical, technical and administrative services, including employer contributions to the Employment Insurance Program, Canada Pension Plan, the Workers' Compensation Board, the Provincial Pension Plan or any other applicable Employee Benefit plans;
  2. services for personnel administration, accounting, bookkeeping, and audit;
  3. rent, normal utilities such as electricity, heat, water and telephone, and maintenance of offices and other buildings, where these expenses are directly related to the program;
  4. biological casework analysis supplies and materials;
  5. acquisition of equipment required directly to support this project;
  6. travel and living expenses related to the laboratory operations;
  7. training programs;
  8. computer services, library expenses, research costs and collection and analysis of statistics; and
  9. minor capital purchases.

Ineligible costs include:

  1. expenses related to laboratory operations that are not associated with biology casework analysis;
  2. major capital purchases, including land, buildings, and vehicles;
  3. expenses associated with hospitality;
  4. core or on-going operating expenditures associated with laboratory activities not related to biology casework analysis;
  5. interest charges;
  6. travel for delegates or participants not directly related to the project and/or initiative, invited by other, or voluntarily attending.
  7. any reimbursement of costs which would create a surplus (more revenues received than expenditures incurred) for the total project/initiative.

Public Safety may consider reimbursement of eligible pre-execution expenditures incurred prior to the signing of the Contribution Agreement on an exceptional basis. Such exceptional basis entails the potential loss of critical project resources or jeopardizes the delivery of the project.

6. Stacking Provisions

For any contributions, the maximum level of Total Government Assistance (federal/provincial/municipal assistance for the same purpose and eligible expenses) shall not exceed 100% of eligible expenditure.

The program will require all eligible recipients to disclose all confirmed and potential sources of funds as part of the application process.

The program will ensure that transfer payment assistance respects these stacking limits and that the federal contribution is based on the Total Government Assistance (federal/provincial/municipal assistance for the same purpose and eligible expenses). This includes assistance such as all grants, contributions and any other assistance, including non-monetary/in-kind contribution being considered.

The repayment of any amount exceeding the Total Government Assistance limit will be calculated on a pro-rated basis (federal/provincial/ municipal assistance for the same purpose and eligible expenses).

7. Method Used to Determine Amount of a Contribution

The total amount of contribution funding paid to a recipient has been determined based on a capacity review of the eligible recipients and funding levels necessary to support the functioning of the recipient and will not exceed the amounts specified under the current levels.

The total amount of contribution funding paid to a recipient under a funding agreement cannot exceed the eligible expenditures actually incurred by the recipient in completing the recipient's initiative or project up to the agreed upon amount as per the funding agreement with the recipient.

8. Maximum Duration and Amount Payable

The maximum duration of any agreement is 5 years.

The maximum contribution payable shall not exceed $36,702,835 per project.

9. Basis and Timing of Payment

Payments will be issued to recipients pursuant to the provisions of the Treasury Board Policy on Transfer Payments and based on the reimbursement of eligible expenditures. Payment amounts will be based on cash flow requirements and the Agreement's risk profile. The assessed level of risk will also determine requirements for a holdback provision to be included in the Agreement.

Progress payments will be issued to reimburse the recipient for expenditures incurred. They will be based upon receipt and acceptance by the Department of financial and non-financial project reports outlining activities and expenditures to date.

Where advance payments are required for the successful delivery of the project, they will be issued in accordance with the recipient's cash flow requirements and the Agreement's risk profile.

Recipients must meet, and continue to meet, the specific Terms and Conditions of the Contribution Agreement, prior to payments being made.

10. Monitoring and Reporting

The recipient must submit to Canada a budget of anticipated eligible expenses for each fiscal year as well as an annual financial report attested to by the certified financial officer.

The certified financial report will be used to ensure funds are utilized for the purpose allocated. The financial report will identify all amounts of revenue from other sources, actual expenditures and revenues incurred in the fiscal year, any reallocation of funds from one category of eligible expenditures to one or more other categories of eligible expenditures, and any other eligible expenditures as identified in section 5.

The Department will ask the recipient to submit copies of any annual reports, including those prepared for the purpose of public accountability, or other products produced in the course of the project to provide a statement of the previous year's accomplishments, financial statements, and current and/or future year's budgets as well as a brief description of the activities that will be undertaken and expected and achieved results.

The recipient must also provide the name, title and contact information for the representative from the recipient who will be responsible for the project.

The recipient will also provide an annual performance report identifying:

The following is a list of performance indicators that will assist in measuring and monitoring the progress of the Biology Casework Analysis Contribution Program:

Program Objective


increased operational capacity in the Ontario and Quebec forensic laboratories

the total number of cases completed
the number of cases completed disaggregated by type

decreased processing turnaround times

case turnaround times for primary and secondary designated offences

decreased case backlog

backlog of cases waiting to be processed

increased number of profiles submitted to the Crime Scene Index of the National DNA Data Bank

the number of DNA profiles submitted to the Crime Scene Index of the National DNA Data Bank

11. Official Languages

Public Safety Canada (PSC) is committed to the obligations of the Government of Canada as set out in Part VII of the Official Languages Act.

Public Safety Canada will work with Provincial representatives in their preferred official language. All public information material and professional training materials produced by PSC will be made available in both English and French.

In addition, all information published or made available as it relates to the contribution program will be provided in both official languages and posted on Public Safety Canada's website in both official languages.

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