Kanishka Project Catalogue - Search Results

Lone Actors (2)

Out of Reach? The Role of Community Policing in Preventing Terrorism in Canada

This study examines the phenomenon of lone-actor terrorism, and the role of community outreach and engagement by police as a means of addressing such threats. While terrorist incidents involving lone...

Theme(s): Collective dynamics and resilience, Organization and effectiveness
Keyword(s): Case Studies, Community Outreach, Field Interviews, Ideological Extremism, Islamic Extremism, Lone Actors, Policing

Right Wing Extremism in Canada: An Environmental Scan

The authors set out to provide an overview of the right wing extremism (RWE) movement in Canada, including an analysis of membership, distribution and activities. Specifically, they aim to identify...

Theme(s): Collective dynamics and resilience, Ideological extremism and violence
Keyword(s): Field Interviews, Ideological Extremism, Internet, Lone Actors, Right Wing Extremism, Social Media
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