Electronically issuing tickets to reduce errors, delays and rejected tickets and improving the efficiency of police users.
Improved access to information on Quebec’s Highway Safety Code or CSR (facilitated searches), savings in time and improved accuracy filling out tickets, reduction in the number of rejections of erroneous tickets.
Administrative unit (civilian) with the road safety unit team (police)
Emergensys: involved in upgrading software, taking into account legislative changes, e.g., regulation respecting off-highway vehicles.
Project began 36 months ago, completed approximately 15 months ago.
Launched in order to improve the efficiency of our police service and the municipal court.
The cost of the software and equipment is approximately $200,000 and the project required 2,000 work hours in all.
We started with a pilot project and then it was phased in.
Yes, objectives were met. The project helped improve the efficiency of police officers using CSR electronic search tools to issue tickets. The database checks the sections of CSR regulations that are included; there is greater efficiency with data transmission to the municipal court; electronic payments are accepted; and delays associated with sending handwritten tickets to the municipal court are eliminated. We also added a mandatory check of data (fields) in the process, which eliminates the need for corrections. There has been a significant decrease in the number of tickets rejected, and, finally, a reduction in personnel. The police officer has electronic access to the CSR, which reduces the search time, improves accuracy and eliminates handwritten data that is difficult to read. Furthermore, police officers use the electronic system 98% of the time, virtually eliminating manual ticketing.Extremely rigorous preparation for this method allowed information on the ticket that was of concern on handwritten tickets to be completely fixed, including the following:
Highlight the benefits of the system, the ease of use, keyword search, availability of electronic information and the speed of use.
Key outcomes include the following:
Efficiencies realized in administrative personnel costs, increased number of police officers available to process complaints, significant reduction in the number of returns and follow-ups due to errors on tickets, elimination of all handwritten tickets because they are not needed.
Benefits include: