The Investigation Management and Approval Centre (IMAC) is an accountable, integrated and centralized investigation management and processing system within the Edmonton Police Service (EPS). Through IMAC, the EPS seeks to facilitate the timely submission of charge reports that meet a reasonable standard for prosecution. IMAC is comprised of six different work areas: the 24/7 Approval Centre (including Online Reporting), Detainee Management Unit, Charge Report Management Unit, Charge Report Disclosure Unit, Criminal Records Management Unit and Crown Liaison Unit. Two important initiatives in 2014 will include the integration of specialized investigative units into the process, and the transition from a paper-based disclosure model to one that is solely electronic.
IMAC aims to achieve greater organizational efficiency and effectiveness through continual innovation within a standardized approval model. IMAC has four core objectives:
The Investigation Management and Approval Centre Branch, Co-ordinated Policing Division
The IMAC model was implemented on October 24, 2010, and continues to grow.
This initiative was undertaken as a result of growing demands for public accountability, effectiveness and efficiency in this new information age. Electronic reporting is also a response to a need for information management that is accountable, integrated and intelligence-driven. Prompt and complete disclosure is now measured in days rather than weeks or months.
The IMAC initiative required funding for renovations within Edmonton Police Headquarters, furniture, computers, software development and administrative necessities. Existing human resources were reorganized within the police service to implement and administer IMAC, including 85 staff members from different units. IMAC will be operating in 2014 with a total of 114 personnel: 57 EPS sworn members, 37 EPS non-sworn members and 17 contracted members.
The IMAC initiative evolved from project status to program status and was implemented according to a specific timeline. The program will continue to grow in 2014 to include the Investigative Support Bureau initiative, with the option of incorporating responsibility for non-charge reports down the road.
The police service has created a centralized approval process centre using standardized criteria to evaluate and approve charge reports. The police service can now accurately record and track information through each stage of the disclosure process, and there is increased accountability throughout the Community Policing Bureau.
Internal communications strategies have focused on the following key messages:
IMAC has evolved into a fully functioning, centralized approval process and disclosure centre, and has found its home in the Co-ordinated Policing Division. I-Reporter, an internally developed application, is fully operational, providing a means by which to both manage and track investigative information in real time. Weekly reports generated by IMAC continue to be distributed to divisional policing stations with a view to driving accountability and managing performance.
Performance measures have been established and are currently tracked for each of the six units within IMAC, the Community Policing Bureau and the Investigative Support Bureau.
Improving efficiencies and effectiveness are core goals of the IMAC initiative.The IMAC model provides for a centralized and standardized approach to information management.The IMAC initiative resides at the intersection of technology and business process, reaching across organizational bureaus to support the frontline member by helping to align technological innovation with operational need and organizational priorities.