The initiative is an annual campaign since 2006, focused on the realities of Blainville residents, that promotes the prevention and enforcement elements of the Highway Safety Code based on analyses conducted in support of campaigns by Quebec’s provincial automobile insurance agency (SAAQ).
2006: La vitesse laisse des traces [Speed leaves marks]2007: La signalisation marque nos vies [Signalling marks our lives]2008: Trop vite, trop tard [Too fast, too late]2009: Perdre un être cher, la vie, etc., pour gagner du temps? Ralentissez ! [Losing (a loved one, your life, etc.) to save time? Slow down!]2010: Les distractions compromettent votre sécurité! [Distractions jeopardize your safety!]2011: Sur la route, on se conduit comme du monde ! [On the road, act like everyone else!]2012: T’as voulu faire à ta tête? [You wanted to have it your way?]
Community, patrol and traffic sections
André Gagné
Since 2006.
This initiative was launched to increase Blainville residents’ sense of safety.
A budget envelope of approximately $25,000 is granted each year to develop the road safety campaign with a communications firm that works with the police service.No additional costs are incurred given that this campaign is part of the daily objectives of all police personnel regarding road safety in the Blainville area.
This campaign was implemented by the municipal government following elections in 2005, in cooperation with the police service.
The 2006 campaign received an award of excellence from the Quebec association of transportation and roads (AQTR) and the Municipal Merit Award. The current campaign has a strong media presence (social, radio, TV) and we have received a number of positive comments.
The initiative details include:
Local campaign conducted annually.