Letter of Support Template
Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Program

 Download the letter of support template (Word 15 KB)


Dear Public Safety Canada,

I, [Name/Organization Name], am pleased to write in support of the [Name of organization applying]'s application for the Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Program. The [Name of Organization applying] is dedicated to serving the needs of [e.g., name specific community or priority population such as women, minorities, youth, vulnerable or underrepresented individuals].

[Please feel free to include additional information on the organization's mandate and contribution to the community.]

The [name of organization/broader community] at times faces obstacles in observing practices or providing a safe and secure space to assemble due to threats or acts of hate such as vandalism, hate speech, and violence. [Please feel free to include additional information on the security issues the organization is facing.]

The proposed project will deter hate crimes and incidents against the [Name of organization applying]. It will also provide a sense of security for individuals visiting the premises. This will offer reassurance that community members can gather safely and participate in the valuable activities offered.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Name/Organization Name]

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