Parliamentary Committee Notes: Foreign Interference: Election Interference

Date: June 13, 2023

Branch/Agency: NCSB

General Election Interference

Allegations of PRC Interference Activities in Canadian Elections

Security and Intelligence Threats to Elections (SITE) Task Force

Review of national security responses to foreign election interference

New efforts to combat foreign interference

Informing Members of Parliament


Threats to Democracy

Canada has observed state-sponsored information manipulation, aimed at reshaping or undermining the rules-based-international order. Disinformation, originating from anywhere in the world, can have serious consequences including threats to the safety and security of Canadians, erosion of trust in our democratic institutions, and confusion about government policies and notices.

The Government of Canada’s security and intelligence community is combatting these threats within their respective mandates. CSIS is working closely with other government partners, inside and outside the security and intelligence community, to address clandestine, deceptive or threatening interference activities that can pose significant harm to our democratic institutions and processes. For example, CSIS has longstanding investigations into foreign interference threat activities targeting democratic processes and institutions across Canada. The provision of CSIS intelligence and assessments to senior levels of government allows for informed decision-making when responding to and developing policies to address these threats. Likewise, the RCMP has a broad, multifaceted mandate to ensure public safety by investigating, disrupting and preventing foreign interference drawing upon authorities enshrined in various legislation.

Although Canada’s electoral system is strong, threat actors have sought to target its politicians, political parties, elections, and media outlets in order to manipulate Canadian public opinion and interfere with Canada’s democracy. CSIS delivers briefings to protect against this threat, with the aim of promoting awareness of hostile activities by state actors and strengthening security practices.

Information manipulation, in particular disinformation, has been a subject of international collaboration. Canada has discussed the threat and possible responses across a variety of bilateral and multilateral engagements and fora. For example, you represent Canada at the Five-Country Ministerial (FCM), an annual forum where Five Eyes security ministers meet to discuss opportunities for collaboration and information sharing on various national security issues, including on countering foreign interference. These discussions include the sharing of respective approaches to shared issues, and the coordination of a cohesive Five Eyes response.

Election Interference

In an effort to counter foreign interference against the 2019 Federal Election, the Government created the SITE Task Force. As members of the SITE Task Force, CSIS was involved in efforts to raise awareness and assess foreign interference threats against the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, and the RCMP provided law enforcement expertise. The SITE Task Force remains outside of election periods, as threats to democratic institutions, such as foreign interference and disinformation, have not abated.


Prepared by: NCSB/NSOD

Approved by: Patrick Boucher, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, 613-990-4976

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