Parliamentary Committee Notes: Overview Deck

Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan

Current Situation in Afghanistan: United Nations Reporting

“Today, the tragic reality is that the scale of needs in Afghanistan far outstrips the response capacity of humanitarian actors to meet them…At the same time, humanitarian action has been absolutely essential in keeping the Afghan people alive, maintaining basic services, and shoring up the economy at a time when no alternatives have been available.”

UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Afghanistan

Canadian Commitments and Response

Exemptions and the Criminal Code


An important balance

Scope and Purposes

Conditions for Referral: Assessment of Benefit

Security Review: Assessment of Risk

Granting Authorizations: Need & Risk / Benefit Assessment

Refusal of Authorizations and Recourse

Granted Authorizations & Renewal

Amendment, Revocation & Suspension


On request of the applicant, the Minister of PS would be able to amend any granted or renewed authorization except if the proposed modification alters the essential nature of the application, including if it would change the purpose for which it was granted.

Revocation and Suspension

Assistance & Information Sharing


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