Publications and Reports

The First Public Report of the National Risk Profile This report is based on input and evidence from whole-of-society stakeholders across Canada, and provides a foundation for understanding disaster risk from the three costliest hazards facing Canadians: earthquakes, wildland fire, and floods. 2023-05-11
Ninth Annual National Roundtable on Disaster Risk Reduction Canada's National Disaster Mitigation Strategy, including links to a general explanation of disaster mitigation and national consultation documents. 2019-08-21
Eighth Annual National Roundtable on Disaster Risk Reduction Canada's National Disaster Mitigation Strategy, including links to a general explanation of disaster mitigation and national consultation documents. 2018-11-05
Seventh Annual National Roundtable on Disaster Risk Reduction Canada's National Disaster Mitigation Strategy, including links to a general explanation of disaster mitigation and national consultation documents. 2017-10-19
Sixth Annual National Roundtable on Disaster Risk Reduction Canada's National Disaster Mitigation Strategy, including links to a general explanation of disaster mitigation and national consultation documents. 2017-06-26
Ministerial Roundtable on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Public Safety Officers Public Safety Canada hosted a Ministerial Roundtable on January 29, 2016 at the University of Regina on the impacts of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on public safety officers. The roundtable brought together over 50 members of academia, not-for-profit organizations, union representatives and tri-service leadership (fire, police and paramedic), operational public safety officers, and all three levels of government to the table to discuss the threat posed by operational stress injuries (OSIs) affecting public safety officers. 2016-02-20
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