Policy Development Contribution Program (PDCP) - Applicant Guide

Notice to applicants

The information collected in your application will be used, and may be disclosed, for the purposes of assessing the merit and relevance of your application. As part of the assessment process, the information may be shared with external reviewers, review committee members, officials in other departments, federal, provincial and/or territorial governments or Members of Parliament.

In the event that the application contains personal information, the personal information will be administered in accordance with the Privacy Act.

Purpose of this Guide

Public Safety Canada is currently accepting applications for funding under the Policy Development Contribution Program (PDCP), a Public Safety Canada Contributions Program. Specific instructions for completing the application form as well as information about the assessment process are provided below.

Application Deadline: February 20, 2017, 11:59PM (PST)

If you require information or clarification that is not provided in this Applicant Guide, please contact: PS.PDCP-PCEP.SP@canada.ca

Objectives of the program

The PDCP's overall objectives are to forge greater consensus and cooperation among various levels of government and other stakeholders through policy initiatives and activities. The program contributes to the achievement of departmental legislative, policy development, and consultative objectives by:

How to fill out your Application for Funding

How to fill out your Application for Funding

Section 1 - Project Information

Project Title:

Working title of project (Acronyms not accepted)

Planned Start and End Dates:

Please indicate the planned start and end dates of your project. If the project includes an event, please include the specific date.

Please note that activities for which you are requesting funding from Public Safety Canada cannot begin before your project is approved and an agreement has been signed.

You should not assume any commitment on the part of Public Safety Canada until funding has been approved and a formal agreement has been signed by a representative of Public Safety Canada. Public Safety Canada will notify you in writing of the outcome of the review of your application.

Single Year or Multi-Year Project Please indicate whether your project is a single year or a multi-year project by checking the appropriate box. Single year projects finish on March 31st, 2018. Multi-year projects finish on March 31st, 2019.

Section 2 - Applicant Identification

Legal Name

Please provide the legal name of the applicant (if applicable). This is the name associated with your registration with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).

Operating Name (if different from legal name)

Please provide the operating (or common) name (of your organization) if it is different from the legal name.

Business or Registration Number (if applicable)

Please provide your 15-digit CRA business number or, for registered charities and not-for-profit organizations, your registration number.

Business Address

The address should include full information on the applicant's location, such as floor, suite or room number, street number and postal code. Should a Post Office Box be designated as the official mailing address, please provide this information as well.

Business Telephone and E-mail Address

Please indicate the telephone and e-mail address of the organization.

Section 3 - Organization Contact (if applicable)

Given Name / Surname

Please provide the name of the person in your organization who would be Public Safety Canada's main contact for the project. This could be a project manager or coordinator, an executive director or someone else. Typically, the person responsible for the project is identified here.

Position Title

Please provide the title of the organization contact.

Telephone and E-mail Address

Please indicate the telephone and e-mail address of the organization.

Section 4 – Project Description

Project Stream

The Terms and Conditions for the Policy Development Contribution Program identify three project streams. Please select the appropriate type of project.

The three categories of projects eligible under the program are:

  • Communications/Information Exchange Projects (12 months maximum)
  • Innovative and Research Projects (60 months maximum)
  • Training and Skills Development Projects (24 months maximum):
Related Program Area

Indicate the Public Safety Canada program area to which your proposal most closely aligns. For further information on the program areas please refer Public Safety's Departmental Performance Report: http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/dprtmntl-prfrmnc-rprt-2013-14/index-eng.aspx

Project Objectives

Please outline the objectives of your project.

Project objectives should:

  • Be consistent with the funding program's objectives;
  • Clearly identify a specific outcome(s); and
  • Clearly identify who will benefit from the project.
Project Activities

Project activities are the steps that will be taken to meet the objectives of the project. Activities should be specific, measurable, realistic and relevant to the project objectives and demonstrate how the project outcome(s) will be achieved.

The proposal should also explain why the activities (and/or methodology) used to achieve the outcomes are appropriate and likely to produce reliable evidence and/or effective results in accordance with the stated objectives of the Policy Development Contribution Program.

Your project should be broken down into various steps (milestones) that reliably show your expected progress and plans to complete the project on time and within budget.

Please include details about how the project will be delivered. For example, will there be partnerships and if so, who are the other partners and what are their roles?

There should be a clear link between the project activities and the project costs outlined in the project budget. Eligible costs must be in line with the Terms and Conditions of the PDCP. The information provided here will have a significant bearing on the assessment of the applicant's ability to undertake the project successfully.

Expected Results

Please summarize the expected results of your project.

The expected results of the proposed project must be clearly linked to the project objectives and must be specific, concrete and measurable.

Knowledge Transfer

Outline how results will be disseminated to enable their uptake and application by relevant end-users (e.g. targeted stakeholders, organizations, industry associations, individuals, consumers, communities, educators, journalists, and/or general public, etc.).

Please indicate:

  • The degree to which the project deliverables will be made available and disseminated to stakeholders; and
  • The extent to which the proposed project results can be used across various sectors.
Implementation Plan

Identify the length of time to complete the project and, where possible, a brief outline of the expected deliverables, targeted stakeholders, expected outputs, and methodology, as relevant.

Safeguarding Information

Does your proposal involve the collection of sensitive data?

If so, please indicate:

  • The type of information to be collected;
  • The purpose for which it will be used (including the purpose of any secondary uses of identifiable information); and
  • The limits on use, disclosure and retention.

You must also confirm how parties will consent to the collection of their information.

Risk Management

If applicable, what tools do you use to monitor and control projects? How do you monitor risks to the project and mitigate them? Some questions you may wish to address include whether there is third-party involvement or potential attention from the media or public.

Section 5 –Capacity


Please describe the applicant's experience and expertise in carrying out the proposed project activities. Indicate other experience in managing/assisting projects and previous experience with other projects/programs.

You may wish to highlight related past achievements in addition to describing current expertise and activities or projects.

Please indicate any previous experience with Federal Grants and Contributions programs and any specific experience with Public Safety Canada, and the results of those projects.

Section 6 – Proposed Project Budget

Public Safety Canada uses the information provided in this section to assess the overall cost of the proposed project, as well as the general nature of the expenditures to be covered by all anticipated sources of funding.

Applicants may seek other sources of funding for proposed projects. Potential recipients are required to disclose all sources of funding for a proposed project when applying for funding from Public Safety Canada. This includes financial assistance (grants, contributions, etc.) from all levels of government, anticipated or received, that is related to the subject matter of the proposed project. This should also include applications for financial assistance which are still pending.

The PDCP has a “stacking limit” of 95% - that is, a maximum permitted amount of combined funding from federal, provincial, territorial and municipal governments for any one project or initiative is 95%.

In the event that total government assistance (including provincial and municipal assistance) received for the project exceeds the cost of the project, the recipient will repay the Crown on a pro-rated basis (based on Public Safety Canada's share of total government assistance received).

Public Safety Canada uses the information provided in this section to verify that your funding request conforms to any stacking limit or requirement for funding from other sources.

“Other sources of funding” includes any source of funding (including from your organization) other than the program to which you are applying for funding.

Please summarize your project budget according to the Budget Detail Template attached in Annex A.

(Budget example, Annex B)

Key elements to consider in determining the project budget are: contributions from other sources, duration of the project, occupations, prevailing wage rates and type of project activities. Please note that applicants must also detail monetary and/or in-kind contributions from other sources that reflect a commitment to the success of the project.

In-kind contributions are non-monetary goods or services that may be contributed to the project by you /or your organization (if applicable) or other organizations or partners for which you /or your organization will not be requesting re-imbursement. In-kind support may include donated equipment, services or facilities necessary for the proposed project that would otherwise have to be purchased. To be considered valid, in-kind contributions should contribute to the success of the project, and their monetary equivalent estimated at fair market value.

No costs are eligible as a contingency option. Costs must be foreseeable to be negotiated in the original agreement and will otherwise require a negotiation and amendment of the contribution agreement.

Cost Categories

Eligible expenditures are the expenses considered necessary to support the purpose of the funding. The following list of items consists of possible expenditures if they are related to the project's activities and eligible under the program.

Please refer to program Terms and Conditions for type and nature of eligible expenditures.

Section 7 – Disclosure

Please indicate whether or not there may be a potential for a conflict of interest (and with whom).

Section 8 – Declaration

Please ensure that your application is signed by an official, authorized representative of your organization. People with signing authority are normally one or more of the executive members of the board of directors (president, vice president, secretary or treasurer) and employees of the organization (if applicable) (chief executive officer, executive director, chiefs of finance or human resources).

The Application for Funding must be signed in accordance with the organization's statutes, by-laws or other constituting documents. For example, the president and the chief financial officer may be required to sign all outgoing documents.

Submitting Application

Applicants should note that all information requested in the Guide and Application Form must be received by the Office before an application is considered complete. Only complete applications received at the above noted coordinates on or before the Program deadline will be considered.

Applications are deemed to have been received by Public Safety Canada on the date they are post-marked; the date they are delivered to a messenger or specialized courier agency; or the date they are received by e-mail.

The Government of Canada is under no obligation to approve any application for funding. In the event that your application is approved your project may be randomly selected for audit.

It is your organization's responsibilities to seek legal advice and ensure that in the conduct of your project that you are not participating in, or condoning, any activity that could be construed as contrary to the laws of Canada or its provinces or territories, including applicable legislation in matter of privacy. If the Minister is made aware of any unlawful project activities, he may rescind any Agreement and immediately terminate any financial obligation arising out of it and therefore require repayment of amounts already paid.

The deadline for receipt of applications is February 20, 2017, 11:59PM (PST).

You may submit your application by email or by mail.

Please forward your application to the following address:

Email: PS.PDCP-PCEP.SP@canada.ca

Policy Development Contribution Program (PDCP)
c/o Strategic Policy and Research Directorate
Public Safety Canada
269 Laurier Avenue West, 18th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1A 0P8

Follow-up After You Apply

Under normal conditions, we will acknowledge receipt of your proposal within 10 calendar days of receiving your application.

We will notify you, in writing, whether or not your application has been approved. Decisions are final; applicants have no right of appeal.

Duration of Funding

Public Safety Canada's Policy Development Contribution Program is structured to provide funding for eligible expenses that are incurred within the same fiscal year that funds have been awarded—that is, from the time of a fully signed agreement by both parties to March 31, 2018. Public Safety Canada may fund projects that extend beyond the end of the fiscal year (i.e. March 31, 2018) if the proposal effectively demonstrates why the work requires more time to be completed and should be funded beyond the typical one-year period.

Further Information

Contribution Agreement

On approval of a request for a contribution, a detailed Contribution Agreement will be drawn up and signed by the recipient and Public Safety Canada. A Contribution Agreement is an agreement between the recipient and Public Safety Canada regarding the project contribution awarded.

By accepting a contribution, the recipient agrees to carry out the funded project and to be accountable for the amounts received. Accordingly, Public Safety agrees, subject to conditions stipulated in the Contribution Agreement, to fund all or part of the project's costs.

As specified in the Agreement, the recipient cannot make material changes to the scope of the project without the prior written consent of Public Safety Canada.

Public Safety Canada reserves the right to publish the name of your organization, a summary of your project, as well as the amount of the contribution awarded in any manner it deems fit including, but not limited to, posting on the Public Safety Canada's web site, publication in the Main Estimates, and so forth.
Please note Public Safety Canada does not intend to publish personal information provided in section 5 of this form (Capacity).

Annex A - Project Budget

Revenues for Fiscal Years April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2019

Project Title: Example Project

Government Funding(municipal, provincial, territorial, and federal)

Year 1: April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018

Year 2: April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2019


Public Safety




Subtotal – Cash




Subtotal – In-kind




Total Government Funding
Government assistance XX% (municipal, provincial, territorial and federal)
It cannot exceed 95% of eligible expenditures




Non-government Funding and other




Sample Organization 1




Sample Organization 2




Subtotal – Cash1




Sample Organization 1




Subtotal – In-kind2




Total Non-government Funding and other




Total Revenues:




1. Cash: actual dollar value or revenues/funding received
2. In-Kind: non-cash input which is given a cash value

Annex B - Project Budget

Eligible Expenses for Fiscal Years April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2019

Project Title: Example Project

Detailed Eligible Expenditures by Category

Eligible Expenditures

Year 1: April 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018

Year 2: April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019

Public Safety Canada Funding

Other Government Funding

Non-Government Funding and other

Total Year 1

Public Safety Canada Funding

Other Government Funding

Non-Government Funding and other

Total Year 2

Salaries & Wages









Professional Consulting Fees









IT & Communications









Professional Consulting Fees









Project Related Equipment









Subtotal – Cash1









Salaries & Wages









Subtotal – In-kind2









Total Expenditures:









1. Cash: actual dollar value or revenues/funding received
2. In-Kind: non-cash input which is given a cash value

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