Travel and hospitality expenses

Baldwin-Valainis, Olivia - Director, Regional Affairs

December 2 to March 1, 2011

Travel Expenses

Date(s) Purpose Total Cost
December 8-9, 2010 Meeting with Minister's office to discuss Manitoba and Public Safety issues $410.09
January 19, 2011 Travel to determine potential Public Safety roundtable location $5.54
January 24, 2011 Participate at an economic roundtable $8.36
January 31 - February 2, 2011 Travel to Ottawa for government business $1,127.78
February 25, 2011 Transportation for Minister Toews $3.24
* Total: $1,555.01
* Total includes all applicable taxes

Hospitality Expenses

Date Event Description Cost
January 13, 2011 Accompany Minister Toews to regional lunch meeting $20.32
* Total: $20.32
* Total includes all applicable taxes

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