Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Vancouver Native Health Society
Location : Vancouver, British Columbia
Date : 2007-06-14
Value : $43,530.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : The need for this project was identified through research conducted by Vancouver Native Health Society regarding the challenges faced by Aboriginal youth moving from rural to urban centres. This research indicated that urban Aboriginal organizations provide a range of services to youth to assist them once risk factors are present, but do not offer protective measures or programming to prevent youth from criminal activity and victimization. As a result, this project has been developed to guide and assist youth and their communities in understanding the realities of urban living. Vancouver Native Health Society is the best placed organization to take a lead on this project due to their experience in providing a range of free, holistic services to people living in the Downtown Eastside. VNHS has a good reputation within the community and have developed strong partnerships with many Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations. Life on reserve is difficult and often traumatic for many youth, typically involving poverty, poor employment and educational opportunities, lack of guidance and services and dysfunctional families. This motivates youth to move away to the city to improve their situation. However, rural disadvantaged Aboriginal youth relocating to Vancouver face harsh realities around social issues and unemployment and in order to cope, often turn to substance abuse and crime. The project aims to prevent Aboriginal youth from becoming involved in criminal activity and/or drug use by engaging them in pro-active and protective programming before they become involved in high-risk behaviours or victims of crimes themselves. Workshops will be provided in six remote communities in BC to raise awareness of transition issues facing youth moving to urban centres. The workshops will also provide participants with concrete skills and strategies to assist them in their eventual move to the city. Six one day intensive workshops will include information on personal safety, budgeting, securing accommodation, labour market and job skills, educational opportunities, and transportation.
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