Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Province of New Brunswick Executive Council Office (Women's Issues Branch)
Location : Fredericton, New Brunswick
Date : 2006-02-16
Value : $111,560.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : Under the provincial violence reduction strategy, a coordinated package of new and enhanced services will be delivered in fourteen regions of the province. These services include sexual assault services; treatment and support programs for children exposed to violence; prevention programs for children and youth; intervention programs for offenders; outreach and crisis intervention; and public education strategies. This project will do the ground work required to prepare those fourteen regions to develop, deliver and evaluate those services. This ground work will be facilitated by part-time coordinators who will assist the volunteer-led Regional Violence Prevention Networks in defining the boundaries of each Network; mapping current service delivery in each region; and preparing regional assessments of local assets and gaps, with recommendations for improved coordination and service delivery. A conference will be organized in March 2006 to offer network members and service providers 2.5 days of training sessions and skill-building workshops in critical areas identified by the regions during the assessment phase. A major evaluation report on the capacity of the regional networks to deliver new and expanded violence prevention and intervention programs and services will be prepared and presented to all stakeholders.
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