Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : City of Spruce Grove Family and Community Support Services
Location : Spruce Grove, Alberta
Date : 2007-04-05
Value : $42,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : Phase III of the Lions Log Cabin Project will continue to focus on developing skills and positive community engagement to help prevent youths' involvement in high-risk activities. The project approach is based on the notion that when youth are disconnected from the community they lack ownership, which increases their risk of becoming motivated offenders. At risk youth will be employed and will manage and operate a concession while being monitored and mentored by the Community Mentor and the Central Park Facilitator. Opportunities will be provided for youth and adults to work together in a volunteer capacity to provide and organize scheduled events for Central Park for all community groups, including youth, families, children and seniors. The Concession is a safe, friendly place where youth will be able to spend time with mentors who will provide guidance, support and assistance to them in their process to acquire social and life skills. Youth will learn to deal appropriately with conflict and will be provided opportunities to become assets to the larger community and to succeed in their educational pursuits. Additionally, educational activities on drug related issues will be offered. Phase III will also focus on developing a strategy to deal with drug abuse and related behaviours, with the Regional Tri-Municipal Drug Strategy Team, a grass roots group of individuals of the three municipalities in the region. Many of the youth involved with this project are referred from the Community Justice Committee and the Courts, but the main source of recruitment remains the schools where the youth are identified at high risk of becoming delinquents.
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