Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Dixon Hall
Location : Toronto, Ontario
Date : 2009-09-18
Value : $2,156,376.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The project will work with gang-involved youth, youth at risk of gang attachment, families of youth who are gang-involved or at risk of gang attachment, and the Regent Park community. The project will focus on the following risk factors for gang involvement: over-reliance on anti-social peers, high levels of aggression and impulsivity, negative influences in the youth’s life, limited attachment to the community, poor parental supervision, and poor educational or employment potential. The range of activities include: assessing the scope of youth gang crimes in Regent Park, planning and preparing a range of interventions to support youth, their families, peers, schools and neighbourhoods in Regent Park, developing a targeted approach for youth in Regent Park who are currently involved in gangs to assist them with an exit strategy, providing access to social and educational programming, providing opportunities for employment and meaningful community engagement, organizing an integrated comprehensive approach to youth gang crimes and youth at-risk of gang involvement and monitoring the needs for system changes through stimulating policy and programmatic change with key stakeholders.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2009/2010 to 2012/2013
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