Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters
Location : Edmonton, Alberta
Date : 2009-07-01
Value : $1,417,598.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This project is an innovative approach being developed to meet the particular needs of and provide appropriate responses to Aboriginal children at high risk of future offending behaviours. It is an intensive intervention program that targets specific root causes of future offending by adapting and delivering culturally appropriate crime prevention practices with the intent of positively impacting the intergenerational cycle of violence. This evidence based program proposes a strength-based approach that is both family and individual focused to assist high risk youth by reducing risk factors and amplifying protective factors associated with future offending behaviour. The approach will be offered in five First Nation women’s shelters located on reserve throughout the province of Alberta. The program will be integrated into each shelter’s ongoing activities, building upon their role as holders of credibility and knowledge of the root causes of violence. One social worker per shelter will manage a caseload of approximately 15 children and their families to permit intensive individual and family therapy.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2009/2010 to 2012/2013
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