Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Trans-Art 2000
Location : Montreal (Quebec)
Date : 2008-01-31
Value : $80,000.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The applicant organization adopts an approach that will reach and engage the youth targeted by this project. The approach adopted is as engaging as are the methods used to recruit young people into gangs; it gives them an opportunity to take part in the culture and to display their talents. More specifically, music will be the preferred approach to building ties among the youth targeted by the project and will help motivate them and involve them directly in identifying preventive solutions. The purpose of this project is to encourage youth to band together and to engage them in crime prevention in their community so that they may have a positive influence on their peers using a tool for prevention in their likeness, that affects them and that was designed, developed and distributed by the young people themselves. Expressing their points of view about their reality and sharing them with their peers and the public will enable them to become role models for their peers. This project will be highly important, because it will offer young people an opportunity to organize themselves and take a stand on reacting to and preventing violence.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2008/2009
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