Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Alliance Jeunesse - Famille de l'Alberta Society
Location : Edmonton, Alberta
Date : 2006-03-10
Value : $83,550.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : Phase 3 focuses on two types of violence that do not leave physical scars, namely the psychological violence and verbal abuse that immigrant women and girls face in the family setting, and specifically, their impact on the children who witness this violence. This Phase will bring together three components—women, immigrant men, and young people—to debate the issue of family violence as victims, perpetrators and witnesses to violence. The two types of violence that do not leave physical scars are psychological violence and verbal abuse. Psychological violence consists of undermining the victim through contemptuous attitudes and comments, humiliation or blackmail. This category is very frequently seen in the case of Francophone immigrant women in their family relations, the majority of whom are in Canada through the family reunification policy. Verbal abuse is perpetuated through threats, insults and degrading comments. The majority of Francophone immigrant women have reported being a victim in this category, particularly with respect to clothing in winter time, and being criticized at restaurants. Consequently, violence is the method chosen by the perpetrator to exercise control over and dominate another person and affirm his power over her. During Phase 3, we will work in focus groups with the three components. These workshops will be known as “Ateliers d'entraide vers le changement de la violence familiale (ATEC-VF)” [mutual aid workshops toward changing family violence]. These workshops will be offered to the participants once per month for ten months. In total, we will hold ten workshops during the project (one year).
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