Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Municipalité Régionale de comté de D'Autray
Location : Berthierville, Québec
Date : 2007-09-11
Value : $99,235.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The goal of the project is to reduce crime and increase the sense of security in the RCM by applying the crime prevention model advocated by the Departmental Policy. In a first phase, this project will enable the D'Autray RCM, the strategic committee and the local committees to establish crime priorities and validate them among the partners and the population. To do this, the applicant organization, under the supervision of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ), intends to organize meetings with local committees, prepare reports and consult the population. Subsequently, still as part of this project, the applicant organization plans to identify actions to be undertaken and activities to be completed, to develop and validate the action plans among the partners, to implement planned activities and evaluate some of them. This project will be completed in partnership with key community players, whether municipal, institutional or community-based, including the municipalities of Lanoraie, St-Barthélemy and St-Didace, the Samares school board, which includes four schools, the D'Autray CLSC, the Lanaudière youth centre, the Brandon AQDR, the Centre d'action bénévole D'Autray and the Club Jeunesse de Lanoraie.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2008/2009
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