Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : St.Leonard's Society of Canada
Location : Ottawa, Ontario
Date : 2006-01-27
Value : $71,520.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : 1) St. Leonard's Society of Canada (SLSC) is proposing the creation of a Better Practices Manual for Community Residential Services. There has been little research done in the past twenty years examining the effectiveness of halfway houses in preventing recidivism, yet halfway houses are widely used in Canada's criminal justice system. It is important to evaluate the work that halfway houses do and to communicate their best practices. The proposal manual will contribute to discussions in Canada on best practices within community corrections, will be used as a tool to evaluate how halfway houses function and as a means to evaluate the processes within the halfway house movement. 2) This manual will contribute to the community corrections field in Canada by gathering best practices on improving services to offenders and ex-offenders reintegrating back into the community.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2005/2006 to 2006/2007
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