Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Ordre des conseillers et conseillières d'orientation et des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec (OCCOPPQ)
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2007-03-08
Value : $202,893.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The promoter and its partners wish to produce an interactive DVD aimed at preventing gang membership, more precisely associating with criminal activities of gangs, amongst students of the third cycle of primary school (5th and 6th year). The different components of the DVD will be approximately one hour in length. The DVD will then be used to present the beginning of a story involving several people who will have to face individual choices. Each student group will be assigned to one of the characters with his own traits and values. The students must then make choices in keeping with the traits of the person chosen. The interactive DVD will be accompanied by an educational and leadership guide mainly for workers, especially those in the school environment. These documents will present educational measures, guidelines for leading different activities as well as documents intended for students for each of the activities. The agency also plans to include an information component in the project, particularly on the legal dimensions linked with gangs and related problems (criminal activity, violence, sexual exploitation, etc.). This component could be presented by police or other specialized workers (psycho educator or school specialized educator, youth centre facilitator, street worker, etc.). The preliminary versions of the DVD screenplay and educational and leadership guide will be validated by experts, partners and students. The corrections will then be applied to the screenplay, and the filming will take place. The interactive DVD and the guide will be tested with four class groups (two in 5th and two in 6th) of different socio-economic milieus within the Marguerite-Bourgeoys school district. To conclude, the promoter will design educational content geared to workers who want to use the tool, in a way that ensures it is used as consistently and appropriately as possible. The tool resulting from this project (interactive DVD, educational and leadership guide, training session on the use of the DVD and educational guide) will be developed by a multidisciplinary team composed mainly of educational and violence prevention counsellors from the Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSMB) s[Marguerite-Bourgeoys School Board] , a psycho educator from CSMB, a technician in specialized education from CSMB, a community coordinator of the City of Montreal Police (SPVM), a socio-community agent from the SPVM and the clinical advisor of the Pratique de pointe GANGS et DÉLINQUANCE of the Centre jeunesse de Montréal - Institut universitaire (CJM-IU).
Comments : Multi-year: 2007-08 to 2008-09.
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